
Hi everyone, wow what a difference a few days make!!  Just was saying brrrr, and now the 3 H’s have found their way to Happy Camp!  That’s right, Heat, Humidity and Heavy Rain have showed up.  Just yesterday it was almost 90, now rain, rain and rain.

Yesterday Magoo and I went to bail boats from the rain, and it had rained so much it was up to the bottom of the bench seat and the bilge pump ran steady for about 15 minutes, holy moley!!

With the onslaught of heat and now rain, I suppose we will have a new hatch of bugs, just what we did not need.  But the first Mayflies have started on White Otter and the fish will enjoy them for the near future.

Fishing continues to be good with many summer spots and patterns starting to settle in.  One head scratching issue is where are the Perch, not too many of those husky fellows showing up lately.  Gotta keep looking until we find them, maybe the fishers from Michigan will unlock that this week?

We did see a couple of Bears this week, one nice one while moving some trees in the bear hunt area, the other out and about.  Also, a nice Bull is seen south of here, boy if he grows more he will be a real dandy come hunting time!!

We have started our busy time Happy Campers, with vets coming in soon, thanks for all you do.  In a few short weeks the Bear season will be upon us so lots to do and time is ticking.

So time to get to work and if you are wondering what’s all the chirping about at Happy Camp, shoot us a message or give us a call to save your spot to Come and Catch the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!

Take care everyone.