
Days are quiet, the walls are silent. The lodge is errily empty, and the best friend, sidekick and pal who is as much of Happy Camp as I am has left. Magoo was taken from me late Friday night and I wander aimlessly thru the days doing this and that. Oddly, it never seemed like a job before, it was life full of adventures.

Just today I looked for Magoo maybe 100 times. While cleaning I found half a biscuit under the chair. I took the biscuit, sat in the chair, held it and cried. Later as I left the fish shack, I looked around the corner hoping to see Magoo, did not happen. I also looked under the porch where she used to like to lay and relax, no Magoo. Finally, as I sat in the chair with the computer on my lap, I looked down the driveway hoping to see Magoo coming into Camp, but that’s not happening!

I have asked a million times, WHY? I know there is no answer, never will be. I can only hope that one day there truly is after life and we will be reunited? But as I try to piece each day together, there are a couple things I will share the links too, one a song and the other a poem. Both of these are wonderful, hope you enjoy them:

Bernie has found his way back to camp. After being caught 5 times, he was caught again. But this time, I took the trap, looked at him and said, Bernie, you just want to be my friend don’t you? Bernie said, yes I do! So Bernie ate his peanut butter bread piece, and we agreed that he will help me catch that darn Red Squirrel. I then opened the trap and out hopped Bernie. Bernie went off into the woods, but about an hour later he was back, first under the bird feeder, then found himself right back on the north lodge steps. Bernie likes to lay on the 3rd step, back legs stretched out and his front legs crossed as he watches over the compound. Sometimes his tail wags back and forth like Magoo, so maybe part of me is hoping that Bernie will truly become a friend, but never a best friend, that is reserved for Magoo. But Bernie, time witll tell what you become.

Soon Camp will be filled with Bear hunters, baits are hitting well, so we shall see how Bear Hunt 2024 develops, time will tell! As for now, I am going to go look for Magoo some more. Enjoy the links