Happy Opening Day Happy Campers! Yes it is time, time for Unity, Time for Joy, and Time for the Games to Begin! Soon the Boats will travel on the Seine with the Competitors of the 33rd Olympiad! One can only hope that this is a Joyous time that our world’s athletes get together, have competition, but more importantly start the healing process the World needs! We all have been in a tailspin since Covid, and it is time to start the healing, after all, we ALL need each other in this ever changing world. We ALL need to come together, put our differences aside and LIVE IN PEACE and HARMONY!

It has started, earlier than ever, but the Fall pilgramage has begun. Today in our travels looking for Bears, we saw them, the first Migrators from the north. The Nighthawks have arrived in the Happy Camp Boreal Forest District. By my recollection this is by far the earliest on record, certainly the earliest since 2012 when we first arrived here. Nighthawks have never been in this District before August 12th, seeing them today will put them 18 days ahead of schedule! That could coincide with the very early Spring which saw the snow and ice disappear before May 1, 2024.

Also, there is an influx of songbirds that I can not figure out what they are? They appear to be the size of a Scarlet Tananger, the Male is Beautiful red with white bards on his wings, while the Female is a drab brown. They are clustered on the trails in flocks from 15-54 birds. That’s right, I counted 54 of them in a flock somewhere in the Happy Camp District. Anyone know what they are, please share? Additionally, since the compound has had extensive brushing, there are a lot of songbirds flying around. By the way. Bernie has found his way back here, I told him the last time I let him go from the trap if he made it back, he would come into fold and learn to live in a cage. Well this afternoon, Bernie was laying on the north porch, front legs crossed and his back legs stretched out like he owned the place. His little tail waves back and forth as he watched the Moose Food Plot to the north for any creatures!

Another sign of an early fall, it was pertnear 90 today, damn hot, but I just shut off the air and opened the windows as it has cooled into the low 70s already, 3 hours before dusk! Finally, the last sign I care to share is that some fish are putting on the Feedbag. Yesterday Magoo and I went to Lake #4, and soon found out how eager they were to eat. We caught many fish over 20 inches and Perch over 12 inches. The bites were solid, many of them snapped the line when it neared bottom. They struck the Pimple with much intensity and almost always on the fall, which is a sure sign that fall is here. During the other seasons, they usually strike on the lift, not the drop, but always hit on the fall when Autumn is here.

I suppose the Moose will start rubbing their velvet anyday soon, perhaps they will find a sweet spot in the Moose Plot that is here for our viewing. Magoo Bernie and I are anxiously awaiting their appearances.

Bear hunt is full for this fall, if anyone wants to be considered for the Spring 2025, get in touch with me soon. It is looking like an awesome fall hunt, many, many bears of all sizes are running rampant thru out the Happy Camp District!

Well it is time for the gathering and Lady Goo Goo is performing, time to go and watch, enjoy the reason everyone!