Good Morning Happy Campers! Catfish Chris, and my sidekick Molly Magoo always here in spirit! Everyday I look for her and have yet to find her, almost a month has gone, it seems like forever! But my PAL, the time is coming, very quickly!

Wild weather has come to the HCO region, last week some warm, then Monsoon’s which brought badly needed rain to the area. Last check we were just shy of 2 inches, but rain, wind, oh my. A boat was buried in the lake, Bob worked tirelessly with me to get it afloat where we could winch it onto the trailer! But alas, all was fixed and only 2 very sore backs. Strong NW winds had switched straight North and the boat rocked back and forth wiggling and pounding the boat plug until it fell out. But all is back to semi=normal. I say semi-normal because I don’t really know what normal is anymore!!

Later in the week many locals found their way to HCO as Servina Shaganass passed on. Priscilla and I spoke the other day, and Amy her daughter and her family stayed with us for a while. So sorry for your loss, hope we were able to help out a little. One bright spot for me is yesterday I went over to the Shaganass compound looking for them, I ran into Martin Shaganass. A nice older bloke but Rocky caught my eye right away! Rocky is a pointer that runs like the wind and loves to retrieve. Rocky runs all over the place, Martin says he is a great Moose dog?

As Rocky ran, it reminded me of when Dixie was here, another pointing dog. Dixie and Magoo would run like the wind, in fact their is a page where those 2 were flying in the air, tongues out! You know to watch that is simply priceless, also are many other things we get here at Happy Cap Ontario!

Hard frost came last night, Bernie and Lisa are busy gathering seeds for the winter. Many Whiskeyjacks are here too, none have eaten out of my hand yet, but soon I hope! Ducks are starting to fly around, Redheads are here, first time seeing them. Time will tell if I hunt them or not, Magoo it is not the same without you girl. You know I am looking for a new girl or boy, time will tell how they do, but that dirve you had, OH BOY, I dont know if that ever can be matched.

Bear hunt will be complete by weeks end, we shall see how this finishes, but it has been a great year so far! I am looking for a group of 4 that wants to experience an adventure of a lifetime either here at HCO or at our sister camp in the far north. In fact, I will be headed there to see some Moose spots tomorrow, the rut should kick in full swing now as frost is here!

I met a trapper in the woods and Peever showed up at my door, it is really interesting how I bump into so many different people. Many have said to me, you need to write a book, well if there are any Ghost Writers that would like to help out!

Coffee is done, cabins to clean and Mouths to feed (Bears), sun is brilliant now, take care Happy Campers!