
Good Morning everyone from sunny and cool Happy Camp Ontario!  The heat and humidity have left the area for now and hopefully for the rest of the year!  Temps up near 100 made it very icky the last few days.

Salute to the Patriots who blessed us at Happy Camp last week.  From Don coordinating everything, cooking and being the jack of all trades, to Wes and the Ternary Toast, Walt and his chats of his canoe adventure to Tommy and his antics, it was truly a special time for all!  From starting with a flat tire on the Fry Road, to working as a team unloading the beast Deck Boat, to fish fries, shore lunch and the Potato Bomb, words can not express the fantastic time we all had last week.  As I sit trying to find words to write, I notice the picture you all gave us at Happy Camp, thank you for that as well.

On Monday the 9th, Ed saw a picture on the computer and said who is that?  I said that is my dad who I lost 18  years ago to which Ed responded, “He was a good man if he raised you”.   The 9th is always a tough day for me, but seemed a bit easier that day with the Patriots thank you for all you brought to camp.

Fishing was excellent, even perch showed up all over the place.  Mayflies continue to hatch, but seems like fishermen got the ticket to get them to bite during that as well.  As you all know, our weather patterns are weird, no other way around it!  With that said, we are now picking Blueberries!  Saskatoon berries are barely deep red, Raspberries are green, but Blueberries are ripening all over the place.  Last week when I took some boys to a lake, Scott said, BLUE!  Yes the bluff was blue and Scott, Zak and Jeremy ate and ate and ate!  We did get back late for Steak night, but hey was it worth it guys?

If you are a Happy Camper, you know my travels have led me to many interesting characters and yesterday was no different.  I went to Timmins to meet  chap and he was interesting to say the least.  Przemyslaw Pelichowski is the fellow and we did a little business.  Speaking of Przem, he shared knowledge of his bear outfitting, very interesting to say the least.  If anyone is interested, Google his name and you can hear his interview on CBC radio and his dog Yamaha!

Speaking of travels, yesterday CBC radio 1 along with Wisconsin Public Radio had a joint phone in radio show to discuss the Trade war and some interesting thoughts were shared, but the one resounding fact is very clear, people from Canada and the US are being hurt.  Aren’t our governments suppose to be working for the People, so why then is the family farm in the Midwest being destroyed. So from Trump, to Trudeau to ScottHole, my good buddy Larry says, AH COME ON MAN!!!

For anyone traveling this way, stop at Pancake Bay and get some white buckets with covers, we sure could use them for berry picking.  While the berry crop is busting, the black flies have lessened to where no bug nets are needed for the most part, even in the cabins you can leave them off while you eat or watch tv.

Time to get the girls out for a little bit, then off to work.  So my mom has made her way to Happy Camp for a few days to rest, read a book, fish, berry pick or just unwind, always nice to see family stop up and see what is happening and hear the wind!

Take care, thanks everyone for making Happy Camp your summer spot and SALUTE to all who made last week so special!