Happy Holidays 2021

Good afternoon and Happy Holidays everyone! We hope that everyone gearing up for a great Holiday Season? Winter has come, and gone and come again to us in North Dakota and Wisconsin. Snow and cold are then replaced with rain, wind and thunderstorms, one often wonders how wild the next few days will be? Guess we will have to wait and see.

As weird and the weather is the Pandemic which continues to rage on and on and on. As I sit in North Dakota waiting my results to get cleared to go back to work, I checked on the status of coming into Canada. Guess what everyone, as of December 15th, we can NOT come into Canada! While I am not surprised, it is again quite demoralizing to say the least. Will this change in the future, we can certainly hope so?

I know we are doing all we can to take care of ourselves and everyone around us, all we can hope is that each and everyone of us does the same?

So as we look to this Christmas time, I think of years gone by, my how the time flies. I remember my Dad saying the older you get the faster time goes, and boy was he right! Actually I can not remember much of the last time at Happy Camp, certainly seems like decades not years ago! We hope and pray that 2022 will bring us brighter times and get to the beautiful Wilderness all of us miss at Happy Camp.

We are gearing up for a 2022 season with much work to do, many bear sites to re-cut and who knows, but we are up for the adventure and hope to see some of you. Remember to bring your chainsaws, bug dope, smiles and energy so afterward we can sit in the porch or at the lake enjoying a Barley Pop or Fizzy drink of your choice catching up on so many things!

Happy Holidays to everyone out there, take care and keep in touch!