July 20, 2019

Hi everyone.  The head scratching, roller coaster ride continues here at Happy Camp.  From the weather to the water and meetings and beyond, sometimes I wonder if I will have any hair left by the end of the year.

The weather certainly has been interesting here, but from what we understand also most of the Midwest as well.  Late yesterday we did see a drop in humidity and temps, today it is in the 70’s breezy and low humidity, hope this lasts!  We did receive a little rain, but much more is needed.

Fishing has been a little slower last week, fishermen caught walleye, perch and pike had a few to eat and to take home.  Mayflies seemed to have slacked off a bit, maybe they are done for the year?  One Baby Eagle is in the nest on the north end of the lake along with Osprey’s flying the lake frequently.

The few blueberries we have found are small, most dont look like they will make it.  We have one more spot to check out, perhaps that will be good, time will tell.  In our last venture, we did see a Moose on the shore as well as 4 adult Loons swimming and fishing the lake nearby.

Bear Baiting is going well and the new type of baiting appears to be paying off, again time will tell but the hunt is only a few weeks away, where does time go?

If you are coming up for an adventure, take it easy on the Fry Road, they are hauling on there, so it is a bit rough.  Philip Creek Road is rough as well and they are busy cutting near the middle, so take it easy there too folks.

Thats it for now Happy Campers, someone’s knocking on the door!  Take care be Safe Everyone!