Bear Eve

Good Bear Eve all!  Bear Hunt 2015 is upon us as night has fallen on Happy Camp!  The most intense heat of the year has blanketed the Happy Camp region as well as should stay with us for the next few days!

Henry went out baiting with me this morning, and the Bears were hungry after the nasty storm that rolled through here.  Baits were empty and hopefully this trend will continue for the hunting season?  Interestingly the Bears are feeding heavily on Blueberries, guess they know where to look much better than we do, our buckets have remained empty!

Len and I waded the shores this evening with top water plugs and caught a few small Pike, my the water is warm but wet!  The wind pushed waves in from the north at a gentle pace, and the Loons sang loudly in the distance!

All of our week 1 hunters have made it into camp, preparation is complete, and they are fast asleep.  Tomorrow we will descend into the forest in search of a Trophy Black Bear!  As we walked and talked today, one hunter said, this is so cool to be in the woods, the smells and all of it!  Man, if  I even see a Bear that will make it even cooler!  So, our hopes are very high for a safe and successful hunt!

To anyone venturing out into the woods or water, be safe, enjoy the wilderness and all it has to offer!  If you are looking to catch a huge piece of the Wilderness Pie, Shoot Catfish a message or phone the Girls today so you too can Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!