Good Morning Happy Campers! Summer is heating up quickly and along with it we finally have seen some rain on the northern prairies. While not nearly enough, at this point we will take any rain we can get. Most sloughs are dry and many fields bare from no seed to sow nor rain to germinate. So we shall see what unfolds as it does not look promising for the crops nor bird hatch.

Speaking of promising, all of us know all too well of the Covid and border closures. From what we can figure, if all goes well, we figure their may be some ease up around September and with that we will not be at camp in 2021. While this breaks our hearts, we need to remind ourselves that this is out of our control and we can hope for the best in the future.

A couple bright spots do definitely come to mind, especially when thinking of Bear, Birds and Fish, when we do get back to Happy Camp, all of them should be excited and happy to see us!!

So for now, I will finish school for the year, then hopefully relax and enjoy as much of the summer as I can. I urge everyone to get their vaccine and continue to stay safe, after all, we can only control ourselves.

If anyone is out wandering around, shoot us a message or call, we always enjoy seeing and catching up with all of the Happy Campers! If not, the 2022 Calendar is ready for us to pencil you in to save your spot to Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!