Roller Coaster

Hi Folks, Roller Coaster continues here.  One day it is 47, next is 87, the only 2 constants are rain and extremes in temps!  But alas, fishing continues to be excellent with many fish tugging on the lines.

Blueberries are in full swing and we have a sweet spot near Happy Camp that you can pick for hours and hours and hours, maybe see a Moose, Bear or Wolf walk along the clear cut.  But beware, a double striper has visited the patch and thinks he can rule the roost, thing again say the Black Torpedo and her sidekick Sadie Lou!

Bear hunting is quickly coming, baits are being hit regularly and some nice ones as well.  We do have a couple of Momma’s with twins that are rumbling around the area filling their bellies at the baits as well as nearby Blueberry Patches.

Fishing seems to be doing well, the neighbor chap stopped in and said that they were biting so well the other night he had his limit in 15 minutes and only 2 casts!!  Now that is a fish story if I ever heard one!  We caught some nice chunky Pike and plenty of Pickerel the other day, maybe after the Brewers win this afternoon we might go after some for supper!

As I write, the wind is whipping the trees around and it is in the mid 80’s, rain coming tonight, looks like another wet baiting session tomorrow.  Oh well, such is life right.  We are starting to fill weeks for 2019, so if you are looking to come and catch some of the best fishing in Northern Ontario, breath taking wilderness and awesome Loons that sing all night, shoot us a message or give us a call to save your spot and Come and Catch the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!!