With heavy hearts…
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Good evening Happy Campers, sorry it has been awhile since I posted last. I can not begin to tell you how heavy the heart is. Late in July I spoke to Mom and she wanted me to come home and I agreed to get back to spend time with her before school started.

Got back late Saturday night, phoned Mom early Sunday, had to leave a message. Phoned late Sunday, still no answer, this is odd! Monday morning I placed a few more calls without success, then contacted siblings, they have no idea. So we headed to check on Mom, as we turned into the driveway, brother Pat was also turning in.

Driving up to the house was normal. I got out and looked into the garage, both vehicles were inside. I walk onto the deck and see the sliding window screen closed, but the glass door open about a foot. I yell as I go in, nothing. Pat is right behind me, and sadly we find mom had expired in her bedroom. Needless to say my world has been a non stop spin for the last few days and will be for well, who knows.

For those of you whom had met mom, she truly was a wonderful woman, always a smile on her face, unless I pissed her off, always helping a hand. As of the last few years, she truly enjoyed the adventures we had especially at Happy Camp. She loves the wilderness, peace and quiet and the people whom we came across. Taking at Trip to the Polar Bears of Cochrane, picking berries near Fran Lake, playing cards, and just enjoying time with Mom was so special. During the last 10 years or so Mom and I would speak about every 3rd day, sometimes more. Often we would end by saying we have solved all the worlds problems, which we both knew we did not.

Mom spent her last day having breakfast with Jamie and Enid enjoying Cinnamon rolls, smart talk and coffee and apparently a Zoom meeting in the afternoon with Rotary, one of the service items that she truly loved! Mom, I will miss you eternally and until you and Dad and I are united, enjoy the ride! Safe travels

The Encounters
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Hi folks, whew it certainly is warm! Heat, Humidity and all of that is here in force. Yesterday we peaked about 92, and seems like we are headed warmer today. Perhaps this will get rid of some bugs, because they sure are quite, well let’s just say, INSANE! From Black Flies to Mosquitos, to Gnat, Deer, Horse and Jumbo Flies, we have them all. The only fly that is not around right now is the May Fly, the latest Hexagena have finished their annual dance on the waters of White Otter Lake!

I have a couple of Encounters to share with you. Yesterday we were fixing the hole on the roof in Cabin 3/4, and I was headed underneath Cabin 1/2 porch to get a sheet of roofing. Well one of the baby Robins had fallen out of the nest and it took off flying maybe 10 feet then struggling to wander into the yard. So I went and got a fishing net, and caught the little one. I took it over near a bush with many branches and tried to set it on a branch, but HOLY HOT DOG, I was buzzed by the parents like crazy. In fact one of them knocked my hat off of my head! So I took the baby over near its nest and set it on a stump, then walked away. The parents continued to buzz me for a minute or so, but then all was quiet. Later as I was putting items under the porch, I heard the parents chirping, I am hopeful they were saying thank you, boy if animals could talk!!

Last evening Magoo and I ventured into the bush looking for a lake that has eluded us for years. While we drove slowly down the trail looking we saw the Egyptians crossing the road. In front was a Little fellow followed by a line of 5 more, then 2 Adult Ruffed Grouse, so the whole family was doing the Bangle Tune, Walk Like an Egyptian!

As luck would have it, we did see water back in the woods. So we got out, started venturing into the bush, PLOOSH! Magoo had found a little pool of water in the creek bed to cool her off! Inching our way thru the bush, we found the LAKE!! Lake #4 was found, Yahoooo. Shoreline was full of rocks, just like a typical Canadian shield lake!! I walked the shoreline, then Magoo and I headed back to the truck. Once on the trail we headed back and Magoo jumped into the bush hard to see anything, but then a Grouse flushed into a tree. Come ON Magoo let’s go.

Nothing but quiet, then I heard a squealing like a pig, what the hell is that! The squealing lasts maybe 10 seconds and down the trail comes a Bear ROARING! I guess maybe 25 feet from me it stands on its hind legs ROARS at me and swipes with its front paw all while its jaws are open showing me its teeth! Magoo comes out of the bush, immediately barks at the Bear and as luck would have it, the Bear drops down and disappears into the bush! As I write, all I can think of as I write this is the scene from the movie EDGE, where the Bear is showing his teeth and jowels at Anthony Hopkins.

On the way back, a Cow and Calf Moose crossed in front of us, and while that was interesting, it certainly was nothing like the Encounter we had earlier last night!

Fishing is poor, water is warm, almost 77, berries are slowly coming along. Not much else to tell, off to the bush again today, take care, have a Happy Camp Day!

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Hi Happy Campers, look who showed up at White Otter, our old pal Rooster! As we all know, we have not been at Happy Camp since 2019, and in late 2019 Rooster had a large stroke at his most favorite place in the world, White Otter Lake while camping on the Ponderosa.

We got word of Roosters troubles in 2020, and while we hoped for the best, we knew he has an uphill battle ahead of him. But alas, a few days ago I go to the lake with Magoo and I see his buddy John and Katelyn and Roosters old boat struggling to get him in the boat. At first I did not even recognize Rooster, but then I see his eyes, and it is old Martin himself!! As happy as Magoo and were to see him, we also realized quickly Rooster is not himself any longer. Rooster was using a cane, and walking very slowly to the boat. So I quickly helped John and lifted Rooster’s right leg into the boat. We were able to get him into the boat and there Rooster sat looking out onto White Otter. John explained to me that the stroke had taken the use of Rooster’s right side as well as his ability to speak. Despite much time to work on this thru therapy, Rooster is not able to speak, one can hope for a miracle, so everyone please pray!

Anyone who has come to Happy Camp in the last 10 years has either met or heard of Rooster. Rooster had become a favorite here, story telling and so much more. Rooster loved Happy Camp, the Wilderness and all that it brought. Often times Rooster would show up pulling his boat about 10 in the morning, would stop in for a chat, and the chat would last for hours and many beverages. Rooster was a master story teller to say the least. Rooster’s gift of gab certainly was a breathe of fresh air, but also were his antics and I chuckle as I write them. Rooster and I have tales to tell, from him coming up to grade the road, to falling in the fire, to his cussing and swearing about this and that, there certainly is only one Rooster!

As I helped John with Rooster, grabbing his arm, I could feel the pressure and frustration coming from Rooster. Looking into his eyes I could see it and the struggle to say anything, simply took the life out of me. To see our pal Rooster struggle mightily, certainly reminds us all how quickly life can turn on anyone! Rooster certainly had the zest for life and I am so hopeful that things will change for him, I also looked into those eyes how frustrating to not be able to do anything for him is frustrating beyond compare and while we say, Such is Life, sometime life totally sucks!

With that, we are very Sad Campers, not much more to say. As I was told a while back, life is a gift, live everyday, that certainly rings true! Mayflies are here, fish are biting, come on up to say hi. Take care everyone!

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Canada Day 2022

Happy Canada Day all! From windy, wet, thundering Happy Camp Ontario we greet you today! It is shortly before 2, and the wind turned from the west to Northwest while Magoo and I were out fishing. Whitecaps poured into the 1st bay, and if anyone remembers, White Otter Lake can turn terrible quickly. I still shake my head today with how this lake can have whitecaps from 2 different directions at once! Folklore tells of a great sea monster that lurks in the depths of the narrows, there maybe some truth to it.

Magoo and I found some fish that were not full of Mayflies and had a nice bite going before the wind spiked up. We repositioned a few times only to have the anchor torn free from the bottom, maybe the Monster pulled it up. Fishing was sporadic but some nice Walleye over 23 inches came to the net today. Anchored again I tossed out my lure and let it sit on the bottom and had a sip of Ginger Ale and gave Magoo a Biscuit. I noticed the rod tip bending so slightly, hmmm, what is up with that, I am out in about 22 feet so there are no weeds? I watched the rod pump a couple times, then lifted it and felt the heavy weight of something swimming out to the main lake. I set the hook and the thump thump of something really big didn’t stop at all! Drag started singing as the Monster pulled me where ever it wanted to go. I noticed the stern of the boat turn into the wind with the Monster and noticed how the Monster had pulled the anchor loose. We were anchored in about 8 feet and I noticed now on the locator we were in 24 feet. As any of you know me very well know that I have been lucky enough to catch some pretty big fish in my day, from 35 Pound King Salmon casting with a spoon, to walleye in excess of 12 pounds and Pike over 20, not to mention Muskies in the 30 pound Range. This thing was nothing short of doing what ever it wanted! The constant pulling was like nothing I have encountered before. Not much head shaking or runs, just constant pulling the boat with Magoo and I in it out into the waves of maybe 3 feet.

I noticed how we left the 1st Bay and tried to ease the Monster up, nothing doing! Just constant heavy weight is all there was. Reeling down, I noticed how the St. Croix 7 footer was bent all the way over and while I am not as strong as I once was, my forearms are now aching! What is heck do I have I am thinking and even Magoo who doesn’t pay attention to the fish, is back at my side looking into the water. Pulling and digging deeper I continue to put as much pressure as I can without any luck. I can feel the Beast shake its head now, but no running, just a shake here then dig down. I pull up and watch the fishing rod pump and bend in half! I do all I can just hang on, then the Monster pulls one last time down and I feel heavy weight become very light, the line has broke. Magoo looks at me and puts her head down, walked to the front, climbs on the deck, lays down and closes her eyes.

I sit and think what was that, and I still do not know. Do I think a walleye, no. Pike, no, the action and fight was something I have not experienced since catching huge Sturgeon on the Wolf River. But there are no Sturgeon here, are there? Perhaps a Monster that nobody knows, one thing is for certain, that thing will pull anyone around the lake, no question about it!

Weather has been erratic, lots of strong storms, wind and rain, keeping the Bugs very, very healthy. Earlier this week we traveled to Pagwa in search of a new Bear hunt area. The current area now will have no access of 2022 and while we are hopeful for 2023, one never knows. I do know that the area we checked out yesterday is wilderness, in fact there are NO roads north of the new area, just Hudson Bay if you get that far, so that is more adventures, who is up for them?

Camp is still a work in progress and getting there slowly. Propane now got delayed for some reason, if I was to guess, they haven’t got prices high enough yet? But alas, gas is at $2.25/liter so there is definitely enough gouging there. Difficult to get some things, and the rumor is that by fall many things will harder to come by yet! Guess this is the world we live in today, anyone else think the Merle’s tune, ” Are the Good Times really over for good” may have been a few years too soon?

One bright spot is the animals, bunnies are starting to show up, and Grouse clutches are showing up more and more. Mayflies started to fill the air and water, so the fish will be full and sluggish for a few days.

With that said, I shall shove off to watch the next storm roll in! Enjoy your Canada Day, take care!!

Summer 2022
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Good evening Happy Campers, welcome to Summer 2022. This is Catfish Chris and I am writing to you from the Lodge at Happy Camp! We have been here for a few days and the list never seems to go down! The weather has been erratic, much rain, storms, heat and humidity. Like today it started out about 45 early this morning with sun, and by 11 it was 85 and hot. Now it is windy and we are in the midst of a Severe Thunderstorm watch! Just like in the states, wait 20 minutes and see what happens.

So the lodge is up and running, we have lots of water, the pressure would rival the Empire state Building! We had a couple of fish frys’s, but tonight there is wings in the oven and I just finished an Old Milwaukee in honor or my parent’s! We have been fishing and the bite is a little slow, water temps are just above 60 and the weeds are just starting to green a titch. With the erratic weather this will continue, but NO may fly hatches yet! Jigs and a piece of crawler pitched into the shallow grass are out producing anything else these days. From to tails to Gulp, hands down crawlers are what they want. Like last night, we were out in a shallow area of the lake, made a drift and caught and released one small Walleye. Second drift with crawlers we had more bites and returned those fish back to live another day for a chance to grow into a future Hillsport Monster! 🙂

On another note, the Loons are here but only 2 of them with a nest to the west of the beach in the 1st Bay. Just today we were working on a boat trailer at the lake and the Loons were calling. So I watched and sure enough, an MBE was headed right toward the nest. We watched as the Bald Eagle soared up, then circled and went away to find something else to eat.

Speaking of eating, the Bugs are tremendous, never seen like this before. From Black flies to Mosquitos and now Deer Flies, they are terrible. We are constantly swatting, spitting and swinging at them. With the rain coming down now, it looks like another crop of fresh bugs to chase all of us around.

In our travels, we have seen a few Grouse, Moose, and actually Bears. The other day we saw a Momma and one baby, so awesome. Speaking of awesome, or not so awesome, we travelled to the BMA in hopes of getting into it. Well 1 Kilometer off of the paved road, we were stopped by non stop water, no road and at least 100 feet of nothing, that was not a good thing. With the other 5 beavers spots along the way, there is no access in. So, I contacted the MNR in hopes of something.

Anyone who has been around camp in the last 10 years knows how that has gone, but alas maybe just maybe the winds of change are happening. Early this afternoon the phone rang and it was Marco from the MNR. If anyone has hunted with us or spoke of the MNR, they know about Marco. We feel he has always tried to help out with our hunt. Well, we spoke briefly and he understands the dilemma, and is trying to help. Marco spoke about an area which is closer to Happy Camp and will have better access. We are still discussing this but we are hopeful to get out there check it out and get a hunt going in the Spring of 2023. Actually there are no roads north of us, only water until you hit Hudson Bay and the Arctic ocean, so this could get real fun. Can anyone say Adventure!!! I sure can and we have toys and tool s to get after this, who is in! Bring your Bug dope, beverage and let’s get after it!!

It is quiet here in camp and mostly the region, just the wind, rain, bugs and occasional train. Just now as I write, those little hawks are flying over the lodge, sound like Killdeer but definitely not, any ideas?

It is time to close this chapter, stay tuned for more updates. Take care and hug your hounds all!!

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Good evening Happy Campers! We are on the eve of Fish Ontario 2022, and while the snow is still coming down on the northern Prairie, SOON the weather will break and the waters will warm. SOON the fish will eagerly be biting the end of many people’s lines. SOON the mosquitos will hatch and start to make themselves to you and me in search of food. SOON the Baby Moose will be running wild in the Happy Camp Wilderness. SOON the Grouse will be chirping with excitement. SOON the Loons will be soaring over Happy Camp singing their beautiful music! Soon, the Blueberries will find their flowers and start their journey’s towards BerryHood! I can already smell the grease warming and the pie in the oven, oh my.

SOON we will be focusing both of our eyes squarely on the return to HAPPY CAMP ONATARIO! For me, the excitement builds each day and while there is still school to teach, music to make and graduates to hand diploma’s too, Magoo is very, very close to howling the call, IT IS TIME!

SOON Magoo will Howl the second set of the most Famous words. We all know the most Famous words are, DRIVERS START YOUR ENGINES, but Magoo is practicing in the snow right now. In a little over a week Magoo will HOWL, IT IS TIME and Happy Camp 2022 Journey will be upon us! Who knows what we will encounter, but the adventure is going to be all worth it!

If you are hankering for an adventure of a lifetime, shoot me an email or call us today to have a chat about Happy Camp 2022 just for you!!!!! From Catfish Chris and all the Happy Camp Gang, take care.

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Hi Happy Campers, it appears Spring will be put on hold much longer. Does it seem like we can ever catch a break?

Here on the Northern Prairie, snow was almost gone, now in the midst of a terrible blizzard and guess what, it is April 13. We have over 24 new inches, wind is howling about 40 and suppose to last for another day! The lovely city pushed a drift over my gate which is 4 feet, so now what? Hope that Magoo nor I have to get out anytime soon.

Really, the end of May can not come soon enough, and if all goes well Happy Camp!! To get back to the wilderness is not only good for the mind, body but also the Soul! Far too long has passed since we have been in the woods and water, chasing the fish, fowl, animals, berries and whatever else we can find. We truly are hoping that the time away was ok, I guess time will tell.

We hope that all of you are doing ok, holding your own and gearing up to go and get something for your Soul! Perhaps that is a stop at Happy Camp, if so shoot us a message or drop up a line and let’s chat. Until then, take care and hopefully Spring is coming more quickly where ever all of the Happy Camper’s are! Take care everyone.

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Good Morning Happy Campers! It is mid February and there is very little movement towards Spring here in the north, nor much change in the Covid situation. As you know, much talk has led to explosions, closures, openings, and all kinds of crazy things.

But alas we all can hope that things settle down to a more form of normalcy by Spring! Spring will be upon us soon we can only hope, and soon we could be swatting mosquitos, listening to the wind push the water against the shore and smelling the fish cooking in the pan!

We do hope to be back at Happy Camp by the end of May and have our fingers crossed the list is only a page of repairs needed? I was just thinking of the dock and Loons that often play in the first bay, it will be a welcome sight and sound to see those and all the other creatures we encounter along our travels.

From what we know, to get into Canada you need the ArrivCan, a vaccine card as well as a negative Covid test within a 72 hour window from when you come thru the border. Also, I was told earlier this week, the test needs to be the one where they swab your throat, not the nasal one. Perhaps this will change by Spring, again we all hope don’t we?

Winter has been tough for us, lots of snow, bitter cold which continues today, perhaps in a couple of weeks some change will occur? Until then, Magoo and I will keep holding our own as the Great Captain McSorley stated.

Perhaps we shall see you in 2022, shoot us a message or give us a shout today, take care and keep in touch!!

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Good Morning and Happy New Year’s Eve Eve everyone! As we turn the page to yet another year, we look back at the year or year’s gone by and can only hope as we move forward the sun continues to shine brighter on the Happy Camp Wilderness. As fall fell into winter, right now we are sitting at -44 degrees and yes this Fahrenheit not Celsius, the bitterness just stings. If my figuring is right in C, the temps would be like -90. Either way, that is damn cold!!!

Waterfowling was put in my blood I guess from Dad or Grandpa. As I get older, its harder to get going especially in the cold, but Magoo nudegs me very early each weekend morning in hopes of a new adventure.

So for this Saturday Magoo and I hunted the shores of Lake Sakakawea near Coleharbor, North Dakota. Decoys were set and we waited for the Honkers to come back for water, I looked at Magoo and the white muzzle she now has and as I gazed into her eyes, many of our memories came to mind. So many adventures, hunts and travels we have gone thru, both above and below the border. Soon a lone goose flies into the spread, BOOM, the Goose thuds onto the ground. OFF is Magoo and the familiar, fantastic snort she has as she carries the 10 pound plus Canada Goose come back to hand. I have been so blessed to have such wonderful hunting companions, from Buster, Shadow and now Magoo, each of my Labs have been wonderful. Great companions and world class hunters and retrievers.

Magoo is nearing 11 years old and as I write she is laying at my feet. To walk and hunt with world class retrievers that you have worked with from the 49th day brings a pure sense of joy from within! To have the retriever work like an extension of your arm, turning on a dime to the whistle and working flawlessly through heavy marsh, woods or whitecaps is simply breathtaking. Being raised a waterfowler I am often reminded of how wonderful it is to reach Greatness, just below Perfection. To have that special companion at your side ready, waiting for their next direction is something that makes a heart swell like the Grinch on Christmas Day :))

I remember a few years ago hunting on White Otter Lake in the first bay in early November. The Webster and Kent Crew’s were in the woods chasing Moose while Magoo and I sat near the decoy spread waiting for ducks to lure in. Out in the main lake the wind roared and it was completely white. In the first bay it was windy but not white yet but the day was still early.

In the duckblind, the coffee cup empty so Magoo and I stood and stretched. Magoo’s head quickly turned to the east and locked on a small black dot in the sky. Quickly the dot became a small group of birds winging their way to the spread. Magoo trembling was shaking and drooling with excitement as the group of a half dozen or so divers swung out wide of the decoys.

I reached for the duck call making the diver putts and brrt’s which brought them immediately out to the west and the hooked towards the spread. As they neared the line of white decoys, 3 broke off and went north as the rest set their wings and sailed into the spread. I emptied the gun and 3 Buffleheads were down, 2 in the spread and the other swimming toward the main lake. Magoo was off for the swimmer. Magoo pumping fast was hard to see her black head as she was about half way out in the bay. I guessed Magoo was about 400 yards as she caught the duck turned and headed back with the retrieve.

Magoo finishes the retrieve to hand, shakes off, sits down and says “what’s next boss?” Times like this I am often reminded I am so blesses to be in the presence of greatness. It is really hard to explain but I simply say, I hope everyone has the opportunity to be near or part of greatness in some capacity at sometime during your life. Greatness does not come easy, nor should it, but once you reach and experienced , it is simply the greatest addiction one can ever have, achieve or experience!

2022 will ring in new greatness and perhaps perfection. I have been blessed being part of greatness and can not wait for the next drip of greatness to come our way! Hopefully this will take place at Happy Camp and we can hope for 2022 to bring us back together. Until then, hug your hounds, loved ones and raise a cup of Cheer in remembrance of those lost before us and the Perfection or Greatness we all may strive for and Experience!

God Bless everyone and Happy New Year!!

Happy Holidays 2021
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Good afternoon and Happy Holidays everyone! We hope that everyone gearing up for a great Holiday Season? Winter has come, and gone and come again to us in North Dakota and Wisconsin. Snow and cold are then replaced with rain, wind and thunderstorms, one often wonders how wild the next few days will be? Guess we will have to wait and see.

As weird and the weather is the Pandemic which continues to rage on and on and on. As I sit in North Dakota waiting my results to get cleared to go back to work, I checked on the status of coming into Canada. Guess what everyone, as of December 15th, we can NOT come into Canada! While I am not surprised, it is again quite demoralizing to say the least. Will this change in the future, we can certainly hope so?

I know we are doing all we can to take care of ourselves and everyone around us, all we can hope is that each and everyone of us does the same?

So as we look to this Christmas time, I think of years gone by, my how the time flies. I remember my Dad saying the older you get the faster time goes, and boy was he right! Actually I can not remember much of the last time at Happy Camp, certainly seems like decades not years ago! We hope and pray that 2022 will bring us brighter times and get to the beautiful Wilderness all of us miss at Happy Camp.

We are gearing up for a 2022 season with much work to do, many bear sites to re-cut and who knows, but we are up for the adventure and hope to see some of you. Remember to bring your chainsaws, bug dope, smiles and energy so afterward we can sit in the porch or at the lake enjoying a Barley Pop or Fizzy drink of your choice catching up on so many things!

Happy Holidays to everyone out there, take care and keep in touch!