
Hi Happy Campers, it appears Spring will be put on hold much longer. Does it seem like we can ever catch a break?

Here on the Northern Prairie, snow was almost gone, now in the midst of a terrible blizzard and guess what, it is April 13. We have over 24 new inches, wind is howling about 40 and suppose to last for another day! The lovely city pushed a drift over my gate which is 4 feet, so now what? Hope that Magoo nor I have to get out anytime soon.

Really, the end of May can not come soon enough, and if all goes well Happy Camp!! To get back to the wilderness is not only good for the mind, body but also the Soul! Far too long has passed since we have been in the woods and water, chasing the fish, fowl, animals, berries and whatever else we can find. We truly are hoping that the time away was ok, I guess time will tell.

We hope that all of you are doing ok, holding your own and gearing up to go and get something for your Soul! Perhaps that is a stop at Happy Camp, if so shoot us a message or drop up a line and let’s chat. Until then, take care and hopefully Spring is coming more quickly where ever all of the Happy Camper’s are! Take care everyone.