Happy 2016 Happy Campers!
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Good Day and Happy New Year, Everyone!  Fresh snow has fallen and all is white here in Wisconsin where I am finishing up 2015. With the new year, Magoo and I will be heading back to North Dakota to continue making music!

We again want to thank all of you for another great year in 2015.  As we look to 2016 and beyond, some new adventures at Happy Camp may include a Spring Bear Hunt!  We are waiting to hear from the MNR in regards to this possibly happening, and a handful of people have inquired about this. We will let you know as soon as we know anything!  If the spring hunt is a go, we will be in the start up phase as every outfitter will be as Ontario has not had a spring bear hunt since 1999 for non-residents!

As we look to the 2016 season, we have scattered openings throughout the summer for anglers and other nature enthusiasts.  The Ontario Moose calf season will start on October 22nd, so we have openings for fall fishing and bird hunting. The grouse hunting continues to be fantastic and with the continued logging in the Happy Camp Ontario Region, I suspect it will remain great for many years to come!  In fact, sharptails were found by Magoo and I west of Fry road in a newer cut!  It simply is amazing how the birds are about to survive such harsh winters!

So if you are looking to secure your spot for 2016, shoot us an email or give us a call to save your spot to Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!

Take care and Happy New Year Happy Campers!!

Happy Holidays
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Happy Holidays Happy Campers!  The Holiday season is quickly upon us and  as I write, many of the areas are void of snow, but Magoo and I are romping through it daily while in North Dakota!  Maybe by Christmas, you will all be welcomed to the white stuff?

There have been some ideas tossed around of a Spring Bear Hunt, but we have not heard of anything certain, so nothing is planned yet!  If that changes, we will let you know.  We do have openings for fishing and our Fall Bear spots have been reserved.

As far as Moose hunting, the Calf season appears to only be 2 weeks starting on October 22, 2016.  As of now, we are completely booked for the entire calf season, but have openings for the Adult Moose season which starts on October 15, 2016.

My time flies and we are looking to our 5th year at Happy Camp in 2016.  From Jamie, Magoo, Sadie and Catfish Chris, we want to thank all of you who have found your way to Happy Camp!  If you have not made your way up yet, whatcha waiting for, give us a shout on the phone or shoot us an email today to reserve your spot in Catching the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!


Bang, Bang
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Good Day Happy Campers!  Catfish Chris from soggy, windy and cool Northern Ontario with the last report of the 2015 season!

Congrats go out to our Moose groups who have BOTH filled their adult tags!  Tony and Matt each shot nice Cows so their groups will have Moose for their families this winter!

With many small waters freezing up, White Otter Lake is getting a nice build up of ducks.  In fact this is the most ducks Magoo and I have seen since coming to Happy Camp Ontario 4 years ago!  The first bay has about 150 divers in a raft goofing off.  When the rain stops, Magoo says it is time to toss the decoys in and work our magic for one last time before we leave for the year on Halloween!

As we look to 2016, I wanted to let you know that as of right now, our Moose cabins are almost full for the 2 weeks of Calf Season.  We also have only 2 spots left for our Bear season and just booked another fishing spot this morning!  So if you are looking to save your spot, get in touch with us today, don’t delay!

Thanks to all of our customers who have made our first 4 years fly by like we have only been here a few days!  We truly appreciate what each and everyone of you bring to Happy Camp!

We wish you all a wonderful off season and hope to see you all in 2016 at Happy Camp Ontario!  Thanks again, take care and keep in touch!


Mallards, Blacks and Grouse OH MY!
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Good afternoon Happy Campers!  Catfish Chris here from the winter wonderland to the north!   Cool weather had coated the region up until this morning.  Brisk north winds with a greeting temperature of 20 this morning, their definitely was a bite in the air!  But there has been some improvement as we have reached 36 as I write.  The weather should cooperate for a few days, guess we shall see!

Moose hunters are still looking for number 1 on the pole for 2015.  One hunter who’s name will remain a secret, had a Moose in his sights, squeezed the trigger but missed!  How does that happen, that is why it is called hunting!!

Steve Woods and his clan are here and in hopes of finding a Cow to put on their tag.  This is their first trip to Happy Camp Ontario, and we hope they find it to suit their needs for many years to come?

With the cold air, Magoo and I were able to find our way to South Pincer Road in search of birds.  Low and behold about 4 kilometers in there was a spot to romp around in.  After a short walk, bid number 1 flushed and was put in the bag, a beautiful Sharptail Grouse!  Not far after that Magoo starts jumping like a kangaroo then locks as she does.  I say, ok, and she busts in a brush pile and out comes bird #2.  Holy hot dog, I hit 2 in a row, what’s up with that?

The 2nd bird is a beautiful Ruffed Grouse.  Wow I thought, this is weird to have the 2 of them within 5 minutes of each other but hey I will take it.  Over the course of the next hour or so, Magoo flushed a total of 15 birds, it was simply awesome.  We brought back 4 Ruffies and the Sharptail, my will they be tasty on the grill in the next few days.

Early this afternoon, Magoo and I went and parked by Prick Lake to check the area for Moose sign.  A very nice walk as the sun was shining and little wind.  As we walked the trail, the Black beast Magoo locks as she did this morning.  What is up with this I thought?  Sure enough a big Ruffed Grouse flushes right down the trail, turns the corner and disappears into the woods.

Magoo and I walk to the dam at White Otter Lake and she has flushed 2 more Grouse.  We get to the dam and up from the river busts 6 ducks, Blacks and Mallards.  The 12 Gauge over/under barks quickly and 2 ducks fold into the river.  Magoo makes quick work these retrieves.  What was really cool as she sat after retrieving the first bird, she was squiriming and squealing and as I sent her, she leaped like a frog and plunged into the pool, swimming across the river to the rock ledge, crawled up the ledge and plowed through the brush.  Faintly I see her then she disappears.  A few moments later to my left I see Magoo coming back through the brush with the duck, a Black in her mouth and she retrieves it back to hand.  As she sits at my side I notice how high her head is being held, proud of the retrieve and she should be!

So the bird strap is sagging outside as I write.  It is filled with Mallard, Black and Grouse OH MY!

Happy Camp Ontario will be closing for the year on October 31, 2015.  Thank you for all who have chose to come and visit us over the fast four years, my time does fly doesn’t it?  As we close for the year, I will be going back into the classroom to teach music in Rolette, North Dakota.  That will be exciting as I have missed working with kids and we shall see where that adventure takes us!

When we look to 2016, we have some fishing spots filled, only a couple of Bear hunt spots for week 2, and Moose spots are starting to fill as well.  So if you are looking to come and experience a Happy Camp Ontario adventure, whatcha waiting for, give us a call or email us today to save your spot to Come and Catch the Good Life at Happy Camp Ontario!



Moose 2015
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Hi from Happy Camp Ontario everyone!  Moose hunt 2015 is upon us and the area is full of hunters looking for the elusive Moose.  Magoo and I have seen a couple of Bulls in the area in the last few days and hopefully the pole will be sagging from the brutes in the following days.

The weather has been pretty good, some light rain but temperatures continue to hold in the 50’s, hope that continues for a long time???  The lake flipped over last weekend, and the water is now crystal clear.  Some weeds have died away and soon the fish will shift to other locations.  Magoo and I have been able to fish in the summer places, nice chubby walleyes and snappy northerns!

Bird hunting has been a little slow, our Michigan hunters and 7 dogs worked hard for the birds they got!  But to see Chuck, Toby, Brandy and the rest run around was pretty cool!  The duck numbers for Magoo and I have been low, it looks like again a slow, small migration but it is better than nothing and soon we will be on the prairie looking for the eternal string of geese in the sky.  Maybe we will find it this time?

Magoo is up, the rest of the hunters just rumbled into camp!  Gotta go great and help, hope all is well with all of the Happy Campers!  Take care and what you waiting for, Come on and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!!

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Good Evening and Happy RockTober Happy Campers!  Catfish Chris here at Happy Camp Ontario with update.

First hard frost of the year hit last night.  It was a tad chilly at 26 when Magoo and I slumbered to the Duck Blind early this morning!  Heavy fog lifting off the lake limited sight for us and apparently the birds as no opportunities were had for .  But many other opportunities have come our way in the last few days.

Magoo and I traveled to Hearst for supplies and a fellow from All North Plumbing told us of some good duck area to try while waiting for Goo’s dog food to show up.  Goo and I went up and checked it out, my oh my!  In about 20 minutes there, we saw about 100 ducks, shot 2, Widgeon and Mallard.  Our first Widgeon in Canada and our only wish was this spot be closer to Happy Camp so we could get there much more often!

We have Grouse hunters here from Michigan right now with 7 dogs, some English Setters, the rest are Griffon’s.  Magoo has met them all and she and the boy and 6 girls play a little before their daily romp in the bush.  The hunting has been tough, lots of work for a few birds, but maybe their luck will change in the coming days!

Moose have started to move a little with sightings of Bull and Cows in various areas.  Lots of hunters continue to set up there camps for Moose Hunt 2015 which starts Saturday, October 10, 2015.  So with the woods alive already with hunters, the days leading up to the opener should be busier and busier!

Many new songbirds have showed up the last few days, must be migrators.  Robins, Flickers, various Sparrows, Junco’s and Waxwings are scurrying around feeding.  Some Geese have been seen flying high and south migrating towards greener pastures.  Mushrooms have also popped all over the place.   I think Magoo and I need to go look for Shaggy Manes, they are so tasty with a fresh Grouse!

After work this afternoon, Magoo and I took the small boat out fishing for a while.  We quickly caught walleye up to 19 inches as well as the Pike showed us that they still have sharp teeth!  So in the cleaning house we had Grouse and Walleye today, our version of Surf and Sky!

On another note, we are taking reservations for the 2016 season, and have a couple of weeks filled already, thanks for that!  In regards to Bear hunting, we have Week 1 filled, and have 2 spots left for Week 2.

We want to thank you for choosing to come to Happy Camp Ontario!  Time flies and we are already on the eve of our 5th year and so many more exciting adventures lie ahead!  So whatcha waiting for, give us a call or shoot us an email today to reserve your spot with us to Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!

From Magoo and Sadie, Good Luck Hunters!

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Good Day Happy Campers!  With leaves changing color, losing daylight almost daily, and the cool breezes, fall has arrived!  As our Bird seasons have begun, the honking of migrating Canadian geese have been heard and we have seen a few flocks high in the sky heading south.

Happy Camp’s 2015 Bear Hunt was very successful.  8 hunters saw 31 Bear and the biggest taken was Don’s 300 Pounder shot the last night of the season!  A great time was had by all and we look forward to 2016.

We are hopeful to expand our area in 2016 and that may allow us to provide more hunts, stay tuned for that!  As of this writing, we have filled week 1 of 2016 and have a couple of spots for week 2, so if you are considering a hunt of a lifetime, don’t delay, get in touch with us today!

On a somber note, my right hand girl and pal, Magoo, fell very sick recently and is hopefully recovering!  Each day she gets stronger and hopefully in a week or so she will be back ready to rumble in the jungle for some Grouse, Bunnies, Ducks or whatever else walks near her paws!

While we look forward to our Moose hunters and all the fun they bring to the table, we want to thank all of you for making another successful stop at Happy Camp Ontario!  With our numerous year classes of walleye, we are set for continued outstanding fishing in the years to come!

Catfish Chris here wishing you all a safe, exciting and enjoyable Fall hunting and Fishing season!  Whatcha waiting for, give us a shout on the phone or shoot us an email today to reserve your spot to Come and Catch the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!

Bear Eve
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Good Bear Eve all!  Bear Hunt 2015 is upon us as night has fallen on Happy Camp!  The most intense heat of the year has blanketed the Happy Camp region as well as should stay with us for the next few days!

Henry went out baiting with me this morning, and the Bears were hungry after the nasty storm that rolled through here.  Baits were empty and hopefully this trend will continue for the hunting season?  Interestingly the Bears are feeding heavily on Blueberries, guess they know where to look much better than we do, our buckets have remained empty!

Len and I waded the shores this evening with top water plugs and caught a few small Pike, my the water is warm but wet!  The wind pushed waves in from the north at a gentle pace, and the Loons sang loudly in the distance!

All of our week 1 hunters have made it into camp, preparation is complete, and they are fast asleep.  Tomorrow we will descend into the forest in search of a Trophy Black Bear!  As we walked and talked today, one hunter said, this is so cool to be in the woods, the smells and all of it!  Man, if  I even see a Bear that will make it even cooler!  So, our hopes are very high for a safe and successful hunt!

To anyone venturing out into the woods or water, be safe, enjoy the wilderness and all it has to offer!  If you are looking to catch a huge piece of the Wilderness Pie, Shoot Catfish a message or phone the Girls today so you too can Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!

Big Wheels Keep on Turning and Blowing in the Wind
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Jigpole Jamie here, taking over for the bear-baiting Catfish Chris. First it was the tire on the boat trailer that went flat on Fry’s Road back in June. Next to fall victim was a tire on the truck. Yesterday, a tire on the Jeep went flat. Maybe the next wheel casualty will  either be one on the “bike” (that’s Canadian speak for 4-wheeler) or our lawn mower. For anyone venturing our way, please make sure you have a good spare (or two) on hand.

After two days of high heat, we are enduring our second day of strong wind. Ed and I heard one tree fall near camp while Chris and Rob actually recorded one fall while fishing on Echo Lake (Rob at first thought the noise he heard might be that of a moose in the bush). Wind was so strong yesterday it pulled up some of the rolled roof off the porch. Thanks to the guys from Take A Vet Fishing in camp who helped us secure it in time for a passing shower. The sign to White Otter Lake is still waiting to be uprighted.

I guess the one lesson that prevails day to day here at Happy Camp is to expect the unexpected! For me, I’m expecting Chris back in camp from bear baiting in an hour or two. Let’s hope the girls and I are not in for any more “unexpected” until tomorrow!


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Hello 19th Campers!  Today the sun is shining beautifully and the wind is picking up nicely out of the west.  Fishing is similar to the weather the last few days, a roller coaster ride to say the least.  Friday was in the 60’s with rain and yesterday was high 80’s and humidity, walleyes chomping Saturday morning but no where to be found last night!  This writer suspects the fish were attending the ceremony in Lambeau!  They were so busy clapping their fins saying thanks they found no time to eat!  It was nice to see #4 where he spent so many years, days and brought us so much excitement!  Thanks #4, you will never be forgotten!

As I approached a Bear Bait on Saturday, 3 Wolf Pups poked their heads out in the trail and trotted across.  I drove ahead about 200 yards, put the Jeep in park, opened the door and got out.  I said HI Pups but nothing was seen or heard.  I proceeded to the back of the Jeep, got out the bait, and walked into the bait.  Seeing the bait being hit, I re-baited, fixed things, then did my customary Welcome to the Bears!  Those who have hunted with Happy Camp know of this very well.  I grabbed the pails, turned around and there they were!  The 3 Wolf pups must have followed me into the bait and were staring at me about 20 yards away.  I yelled at them and they crept closer trying to figure out what I was?  I started walking out, they held their ground, then suddenly I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.  In the bush about 25 feet from me, a head appeared and I suspect it was the Mother Wolf!

My mind started to race what to do?  Sure we all hear of this or that to do in a perfect situation, but is there EVER a perfect situation?  I yelled at the Wolf Pack that now numbered 4, 3 Pups and 1 Adult all within 20 yards of me and the only way out is behind me and that is the bush that leads to who knows!  As I pondered what to do, the Mother made some sound and almost instantaneously She and the Pups vanished into the bush.  I quickly made my way to the Jeep and off down the road to the next bait.

So the incident turned out favorably, but gets me to wonder just what others have done if in that situation?  We here at Happy Camp would like to know and it would be a wonderful conversation tool while sitting around having dinner or just shooting the breeze catching up.

As summer quickly fades and we work feverishly towards Bear hunt 2015 and beyond, if you should stop by we would take time to catch up with you and and share stories that are brought through the bush to Happy Camp Ontario.

So give us a shout today either via email or phone to save your spot and Come share some Adventures while Catching the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!!