Diamond in the Bush
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Good Evening Happy Campers, Catfish Chris with a short update.  Today I traveled to Bear Baiting and while on the trail I saw numerous animals, from Bear to Wolf to Grouse. But as I drove towards a curve, I saw something blue, and as I rounded the curve, I came upon a helicopter landed on the side of the bush road.  Interesting I thought as I slowed to take a look at it.  As I slowed down, a person came out of the cockpit.  I got out of the Jeep and spoke to the pilot.  Interestingly she told me that she was part of the DeBeers Diamond Mine Exploration and her 2 explorers were down the trail exploring.  I spoke to her for a bit, then hopped back into the jeep and off to bear baiting.  I ran into the explorers, got out and spoke to them.  While they were eager to talk, they were certainly not eager to share what was on their screen, a GPS I suspect.  But this screen was held tight to his chest as he spoke.

After I finished baiting, I headed out and the chopper was just starting to warm up and the explorers were outside.  I paused and yelled from the Jeep, “Did you find what you were looking for?”  Both explorers smiled, and said, “we certainly did”.  So, hmm, gets me to thinking, could there possibly be a Diamond in the Bush up here in the Happy Camp region?  Never know till you try right?

Fishing has been very good this week, the bears are eating well and I heard of 9 Wolf Pups down the Fry Road, what’s up with that?

Time’s up for now, lots to do and little time, so if you are looking for an adventure, whatcha waiting for, shoot us an email or give us a call today to reserve your spot to Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!!

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Hi Folks.  Well it looks like the 3 W’s have hit Happy Camp land along with the hottest weather since 1966.  Today it is in the 90’s with no relief for a few days.  One hopeful thing is the dry heat may help alleviate some of the bugs that seem to be everywhere.  Keep your fingers crossed for  that!

Wind, Weeds and Walleyes, it doesn’t get any better than that does it?  Well maybe a tasty fresh fish fry which happened many times this week!  Wind has led to a tremendous weed growth and the walleye are not far behind!  Lots of fish over 20 inches were caught and released.  In fact, I had a stretch of 14 casts in a row with a walleye over 20 inches each cast.

Other than that, not much to tell.  We have a full camp now and hopefully many new stories to share with you in the near future?  Catfish Chris wishing all of you a Happy Day and whatcha waiting for, Give us a call or shoot us an email today to Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!

Happy 4th!
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Happy 4th and Greetings from the North Happy Campers!  Although the weather has been very erratic, fishing was quite good last week with many walleye, pike and perch showing up!  The Mayfly hatch is in full swing but the fish continue to feed especially in the evenings!  Rain has kept the water levels high and the tubes at the Oswain are almost full and the current is cooking quite good.

Each day we travel to the Bear area we have seen bears, some good sized ones too!  Today we came upon a good sized fellow that appeared to be eating some flowers, interesting eh!  Also, have seen first strawberries of the year.  With all the rain, it should be a bumper crop of Rasberry and Blueberry!

Time to go get fish fry cooking, always a tasty treat, so if you are hankering for one, whatcha waiting for, shoot us a message today to come try one and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!!

June 28 Report
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Good Day Happy Campers!  Catfish Chris here at Happy Camp with today’s update.  Fishing continues to be good with some doing very well while others catch only a few, but hey that’s fishing!

Water levels continue to be high as the Oswain tubes are almost full!On my travels yesterday, I saw a few clutches of Grouse on the roads and I wonder at what age can they fly?  I think they are about the size of a baseball but they certainly flew up into a tree!  Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Also ran into a nice sized feller looking for some grub, he stood up and looked very proud, but then quickly vanished into the bush.  He looked like a real scrapper, a good sized one at that!

Fishers from Michigan are in Camp this week and the Mayfly hatch has started so we shall see what that means to the fish activity.  If you follow our site, you have seen in the last few days what our Pike have been eating, Snakes and Mice!  My what a menu, eh!

Rumbling in the distance so I think our dry day will quickly become a wet one, need to head to the lake and see how the waves are coming along?  By the wave, we have quite a swimmer in Sadie as she has learned how to do the Dog Padddle, that a girl!

Take care and have a super week Happy Campers!

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Good Day Happy Campers!  Catfish Chris with a brief update.  Heavy rain the last 2 days has been  followed by nice sunshine, but the clouds appear to quickly be filling back in.  Recently added rain gutters have been adjusted and we shall see how they work with the next batch of rain.

Fishing has been up and down, one day lots of Pike and a few others, to more Walleye than Pike.  Greg did hammer a nice 24″ dandy that was released to make babies for many years to come, way to go Greg!  Oddly the Perch have been quiet this week, but we hope once the summer sets in with a good weather pattern, they too will show in more numbers?

Does anyone know where the love of God goes, when the waves turn the minutes to Hours?  The church bells tolled loudly Tuesday afternoon as a large storm with tremendous rain pounded the Cheese head Boys as they were on White Otter!  Maybe the name should be changed to Gitchee Gumee as a Sea of White covered the waters from the west then shifting to the north pummeling the shoreline!  The boys made if back safely less wet clothes, thank God for the dryer.

As the Girls and I walked the trail towards Echo this morning, Magoo was out in front by about 25 yards which she usually does.  Sadie was about at the end of the rope, when I looked in front of Magoo in the brush and I saw what she saw, a Bear!  Magoo took off running as did Sadie into the woods!  Terrified I attempt to run through the bush but as thick as it is, that was not very wise!  I blew the whistle and Magoo came back panting like crazy.  I called and listened for Sadie, nothing!  Walked and called again, nothing!  Starting to get worried, I walked deeper into the bush where Magoo had come from.  I called Sadie one more time and I hear her bark.  Quickly Magoo and I headed towards the sound and found Sadie wrapped around brush, trees and junk but in good shape!  Whew a breathe of fresh air.  I unwrapped her and we headed back to Camp!  Of course along the way, Magoo had got to flush our first Grouse of the year!

I guess you never know what adventure will come here at Happy Camp.  So come along, enjoy an adventure with us and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!

June 18 Update
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Good day, all!  The last few days have brought beautiful sunny, breezy days to the shores of White Otter Lake and Happy Camp area!  Water levels continue to recede, and fishing continues to be very good for pike and walleye.

Cubs and their moms have been seen in the area as well so they are eagerly filling their bellies with anything tasty they can find.  A small, young striped “bear” appears to be taking up residency at the dump. I think he will have to move if he continues to raise havoc!

Logging continues all around us, so please drive carefully.  With the trucks, equipment, moose, bear and other critters out and about, there’s lots of stuff for you to look out for on your way to catching the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!  Take care.

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Good Morning from warm and windy Happy Camp Ontario!  The weather has certainly turned summer like, with temps reaching high into the 80’s the last few days!  With the heat, the black flies and Mosquitos have become very intense.  In fact, last night while dropping off a trailer, I could not see more than 2 feet in front of my face.  Periodic rains have kept those fellers alive and well!

With the rain, the water has risen about 6 feet on the lake in the last week and the fish are scattered!  Our old Friends Rooster and John came up for a visit yesterday!  While cleaning walleye last night, I noticed the bellies pretty bare.  With the explosion of Mayflies, this should change as well and the shift to the soft bottom will occur.  Along with the Walleye, Pike are becoming more aggressive, John got a dandy over 10 pounds yesterday.  But good for those 2, they only kept a couple fish for the dinner table and the rest were let go to fight another day!

Sadie is adjusting to life in the bush quickly.  Magoo is showing her the ropes and they spent some time in the water yesterday cooling themselves from the heat and bugs.  Sadie watched the Loons as Magoo swam circles around the beach!

Guess that is all for now, we look forward to seeing you all soon!  Remember to bring your bug dope as well as your favourite lures to throw after the fish and soon you will too be Catching the Good LIfe with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!

May 30 Update
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Good Morning Happy Campers.  Catfish Chris here with a Happy Camp Update!  Winter was not kind to us at Happy Camp, with us losing satellites as well as a large Pine fell on Cabin 1.  But with a lot of creative thinking by Roger, a sharp saw cut from Buck, Larry pushing with a pole and me standing on the roof pushing, we were able to slide the tree off the roof sending it crashing to the ground!  To say that was a relief is an understatement!

Many trees were taken down at camp and one large one was secured to be taken down!  The tree was roped up about 25 feet, tied to Roger’s Tracker, Buck had it wedged, Larry and I stuck the tree hard with push poles.  As Buck cut the tree twisted and shifted heading straight for the Lodge Porch roof!  Roger pulled as hard as he could as Larry and I pushed the poles in hopes that the tree would miss the porch!  Down she came with a thunderous BANG!

Now you ask, where did it land and how does this tale end?  Well, that remains to be seen and when you come to Happy Camp you will see for yourself!!

But the crew is sore, but many items were completed when we left camp for the US yesterday!

For Shirley, Larry fixed the steps so you can run up and down them to your hearts content!

For Jim, Buck hopped on the roof and stopped the water so it does not fog your glasses when you clean fish!

For Barry, Roger cut the trees and left a scratching or wishing pole at the camp for you to wish for a bigger Walleye than the 28″ you landed last year!

For Doug and all the Moose hunters, we will work hard to get TV so you can watch each World Series Game the Brewers play this fall in the Classic!

Speaking of Mr. Webster, or Doug as we like to call him at Moose Camp, Good Luck at the Pan-Am Games and your umpiring!  If you ump anything like you run the card game, we have nothing to worry about!

Water is still very cold and high, we have seen the level recede slightly by week’s end. The water was almost out of the woods by Thursday, keep your fingers crossed it will continue to recede so we can get the dock and boats into White Otter!  The tunnels at the Oswain were almost to the top on Monday, but by Thursday they were half full!  We did spend a little time fishing on the creek and river, catching a few Pike.  The Oswain brought us a couple of nice ones about 30 inches that Larry brought back to Milwaukee for he and Kathy to share!

Logging continues in the area in a big way.  North, South, East and West, they are cutting, cutting and cutting and of course hauling!  Roads are bumpy as normal, so take it easy coming into camp!

On a trip back from Manitouwadge, Larry and I took the Huzak at KM 12 on the Fry to the right.  Follow this on the left and it is Thomas Lake Road which will lead you to the main road at the stop sign.  Turn right and follow your way to Happy Camp!  Pretty good road and one can see the major cutting going on in that area!

Bunnies, Bunnies everywhere!  What a pleasure too see that many Bunnies have popped up in our travels!  Along with those, we also saw numerous Grouse, Fox, of course squirrels, but then again 5 Bear and 3 Moose!  So, the animals have woke from the winter and running around the area as well!

As I packed the truck before leaving, the Loons were heard singing through the woods.  What a beautiful sound we hope you all can experience when you come to Happy Camp this year!

We look forward to another great year with each and every one of you and the adventures that lay ahead!  If you don’t have your spot saved yet, give us a call or shoot us an email today to Come and Catch the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!  Safe travels everyone!







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Good Evening and Hello Happy Campers.  Catfish Chris here with a short update.  Soon the Happy Camp area will be alive with us and we are excited to get up there and get going for the year!  With another ton of snow this winter, the water levels should again be incredible.  This should mean another fantastic fish hatch leading to good fishing for many years to come!

We want to remind everyone to update their Outdoor card if needed as well as get their fishing license.  You can do this online or at various places along the way.

Back in the states, temperatures have soared to the upper 80’s earlier this week, but limited rain the bug hatch has been minimal.  But, don’t fret, we have started to see the biters,  Black Flies and Mosquitos as well as a ton of ticks!  Thank God the Happy Camp region does not have ticks!

We hope everyone is as excited to get up to Camp as we are, especially Sadie who is eager to meet all of the Happy Campers!  If you are looking for a wonderful place to come and enjoy a great adventure, Whatcha waiting for, shoot us a message or give us a call today to reserve your spot so you too will Come and Catch the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!




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Good Evening and Happy Spring Happy Campers!  It is late Sunday evening and I am writing to you as the screen doors are open for the first time this year, OOOh what a rush!

Spent most of the day outside with the dogs working on a Pontoon boat that we have for sale.  Strings of Geese flew most of the day heading north as well as all kinds of birds have arrived to their summer homes.  The houses are repaired and cleaned ready for their tenants!  Soon it will be Mosquito season, lovely eh!

Sadie and Magoo continue to learn about each other and each day brings new sights and sounds!  Sadie learned what the sound of an outboard was as well as a tractor today, both she scared a little but quickly got over those issues!

Knot 2 Kinky will be around Happy Camp this year!  What is that you ask, well stop in and see just what I am talking about and you will be amazed.  We all will have to learn the perfection knot, but that could be a session in the lodge tying and shooting the breeze over a Cold Hard Cider!  Speaking of Cider, Stevens Point Brewery has made Cider Boys in many different varieties and it sure is tasty!  I wonder if any of our friends to the north have sampled it?  Maybe we should bring a few up to the Camp?

Soon we will be heading up to Happy Camp for the first of a few trips, keep your fingers crossed that gas prices stay in check!  For our US Happy Campers, at last check the US dollar is doing great, paying $1.25 for the old Green Back, way to go Red White and Blue!

Time to get the girls fed, I am sure all of you are gonna love Sadie, she is a Big Barking Beauty!  We look forward to seeing you all again and we have a couple spots left, so whatcha waiting for, give us a call or shoot us an email today to save your spot for your adventure and Catch the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!!!