Drum Roll Please, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Good Morning and welcome to Moose Hunt 2024 Eve! Happy Campers, hold onto to your skivies, the woods are full of hunters! One chap told me last night the Parade of Pumpkins is about to begin! From what Rook and I have seen, the parade has never stopped. A few days ago, trailers, trucks, campers, and everything that can come with them have started to show up.

From what I gather here, the Mooseaholics and the Termites will battle for Supremacy in this area. By the way, Toppers are filling the woods with noise, from Radio’s blasting music to chainsaws running all hours of the day, one scratches their head with just what people think? But alas, it will be quieter for the immediate moment, because, another Drum Roll Please, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Welcome rain has come and while it is a pain in the rear, we need it so bad. So this moderate rain is a welcome sight and even though we are in the lodge while hunters make thier plans in the cabins, it is a welcome sight!

Although water temps have got below 50, boats and anglers continue to pound White Otter Lake. Actually, there continues to be a steady stream of boats to the lake and parade around taking whatever they can. We are all in this together, and just like the Birds and Moose, moderation and conservation will only continue what we have, the supply is not endless. I do my part, do you? Here is a simple tune that fits so well, kindly take a listen to it: https://youtu.be/HKgFjiS7dI0?si=gHhatiM7JBzwysj9

Birds have been pounded deeper into the woods. Rook and I took a trail very less traveled yesterday and to our surprise, we saw lots of birds in our short trek! Interestingly Rook is doing a lot of really wild things, in fact as he trotted down the trail he whirled around, locked on a spot and lo and behold a Grouse flushed. Crackpot Chris nailed the Grouse with a load of 8’s which came out of the Lever action Ober/Undar. Quickly the Black blur grabbed the Grouse bringing it to hand! Rook is quite the character let me tell you.

Rook is a mere 9 months old, sometimes going on 4, other times going on 4 weeks. he often tears around camp grabbing things and being a Wild Puppy! Just yesterday he grabbed shoes off the deck and tossed them in the woods, needless to say the hunter who’s shoes were missing was not very happy! But they were found and many chuckles were shared. As you will see on Rook’s Nook, there is a lot of activity with this young pup. I do suspect he, just like his sister Magoo and brother Shadow before, will become wonderful hunters and companions. Rook sure has taken onto jumping into the truck quickly, but also likes to jump out when the door is left open, what is up with that?

Tomorrow morning, Revelry will beckon the Hunters at 5:30 a.m. when they are awoke to greet the Moose Hunt. 4 wheelers will fill the air with their hum as so many go to the woods. Others will drive their trucks, while few will set a foot to thier posts. What will the magic of the hunt bring, time will tell, but for Rook and I, we shall be elsewhere.

Rook and I will lay the blocks near the newly built blind, very few Sea ducks have shown up, the heat has kept them away. Few Goldeneye, Buffles, and Scoters have been seen. Some Blacks and Ringbills have started to flock up, and to see the ringers wing into the decoys is awesome, the only finer sight in this Waterfowlers eyes is to watch a fine Black lab charge after the birds. I recall maybe 2017 when the bay was full of sea ducks, Magoo spent the entier morning at my side, every so often a Buffle or greater Scaup would swing near the spread, I would bang out of the air, sometimes hitting, others missing. It is odd as those big Greaters can really fly not like their little brothers, holy hot dog.

Anyway, I downed a drake Scaup, off went Magoo towards the narrows for the bird which floated belly up, but the wind was bellowing strong out of the south, so Magoo was on a long trek. Magoo’s little head afloat as those strong, strong legs got that duck, I guess maybe a 300 yard retrieve. Magoo grabbed the duck, whirled around and swam back like a champion. I ahve been blessed with Champions at my side and think we have another with Rook!

So the hunt is upon us, take care everyone, and remember, Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!!