

Hello Happy Campers. It has been a long 2 years, seems like eons since we were at Happy Camp, but sadly we lost another good one late yesterday. Don Lewinski was lifted to the eternal Marsh, Deer or Bear Stand where his barrel is steaming after his last shot.

I met Don years ago on a hunting trip with Jeff Jester, Don’s nephew, and Larry Stein who is a family friend. Over the course of the next 6 or so years, we all trekked to North Dakota for our annual Duck Hunt. Many memorable times took place and Don had a slough named after him, now called Don’s slough. We had so many wonderful times, so I picked out a couple.

We set up in a stubble field near St. John, not much was happening, then Don yells hear they come. A whole bunch of Greenheads were headed right at us, someone yelled Take them and we all fired our guns. I fell off my stool and blew all 3 shots, so did everyone else except Don who hit with all 3 shots!

Don came up Bear hunting in 2015 with Jeff and Larry. Don’s first night he sat in the Blueberry swamp, had no luck. Don decided to give the Gravel Pit a go the next night. When I picked up Don after dark the 2nd night, he said, this is the one where I will kill my bear. During the course of the next 3 nights Don sat from 3p.m. until dark, no action. But each night the bear hit a little earlier.

Don’s last night started as the others, warm at 3p.m. The sun started to set and we heard no gunshots. Darkness fell and we went to pick up Don. Don who was still in his ground blind said to Jeff, go get my Bear. Don thought he had shot the bear and it died in its tracks.

Off to the bait, nothing, but then a little blood. A slow, tedious track ensued and while blood was still here and there, the group decided to pack it in for the night as the Bear seemed to be headed into thick Raspberries.

Quickly after dawn, the tracking started on last blood, and it was not too long when Jeff yelled the wonderful sounds all hunters love to hear, DEAD BEAR!!! Don had killed the biggest bear of the 2015 season. I can honestly tell you that Don had the most patience of any hunter I have ever hunted with, equal to my father.

Don you will be sorely missed. So as I sip Southern Comfort in your memory I thank you for the memories that we had, many great times that will be never forgotten. Until we meet again my friend, Godspeed.