Hoppy Easter
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Good afternoon and Hoppy Easter Happy Campers!  First of all I am so glad we made it through winter and spring has arrived!  We had our first rain storm of the season early this morning!  All kinds of waterfowl are moving through the area on their ways to the breeding grounds!

We have more exciting news, Sadie Jean has joined our crew and a playmate of Magoo!  Sadie is a large yellow Lab that came to us through SPCA rescue in the Bay City, Texas area and found her way through SPCA in Tomah, Wisconsin.  Sadie loves to romp in the bushes with Magoo and most likely will enjoy the Happy Camp Wilderness as well?

More news, Knot2Kinky, an amazing fishing leader product has agreed to allow us to try their new materials with our Happy Camp Fisherman this year!  Knot2Kinky is a material that we will be able to cut to length as well as tie it directly to our rigs or make leaders for Pike!  You will be simply amazed by this product and we all will have to learn how to tie the Perfection Loop which they recommend tying to your lure!

We are eager to get up to Happy Camp, get the camp in shape and ready for all of you  who have reserved your spots.  Right now, we have little room until early August and even our Grouse hunting cabins are about half full!  As always, thank you for keeping Happy Camp what it is, a great place for great people to gather and enjoy the Canadian Wilderness Adventures and all that they offer!

With that I bid you a Happy Easter, wonderful Spring and maybe its time to get the list for Happy Camp ready, eh.  If you’re still looking for an adventure in 2015, shoot us a message or drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you and soon you too can be Coming and Catching the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!!


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Good afternoon Happy Campers!  We have reached early March and we are edging ever closer to Happy Camp 2015!  Possibly Mother nature has eased her fierce Winter Grip as the snow banks are shrinking ever so slightly.

In my travels to teach music in the last few days, I saw my first Flocks of Geese in Eastern Wisconsin.  With little snow over there, soon the spring birds will be in earnest and Cranes hopping and chirping all over the place!  In addition, I saw 3 adult Bald Eagles on my trek back home from Freedom last night and think they are starting to gear up to head north soon too!

We continue to fill our spots weekly and have filled a couple weeks of Grouse hunting and that should be very interesting with many hunting dogs in camp, whatever will Magoo do!  So if you are contemplating coming up for an adventure in 2015, don’t hesitate, get in touch with us today!

As we look forward, ideas continue to spin around.  We were able to grab another portable outboard for remote lakes, now we have 2!  Where will we go with these, to Bound, Fran, BeaverCross, SnowFlake, Downer, or the river!  So much to explore, so little time to do this, where ever do we start?  Guess we will find out not soon enough!

In regards to hunting, I have written to the MNR and sent in ideas to help improve the Moose Herd.  Surprisingly, they have responded and said they liked the ideas and will be sending them along with their ideas to the governing bodies of the Ontario government yet this spring!  We will keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best, time will tell!

Thank you to all of you who we have met and continue to talk to on a daily basis in regards to Happy Camp Ontario, all the wonderful area has to offer and the adventures that await soon!  Take care and whatcha waiting for, Come On and Catch the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!


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Hi Happy Campers!  It looks like Mid winter has set in with a sharp cold snap and wind from the north, nasty cold for a week or so!  Maybe that will lead to warm spring, time will tell!

Some fine Happy Camper sent me a Moose Proposal to curb the Calf Harvest by closing that season until October 24, 2015.  It also appears that they will be closing the season earlier for all Moose as well.  This is in hopes to re-build a herd that has been diminishing for a handful of years!

The MNR also pointed out that the predators are the main reason for the numbers going down.  To me the predators are Wolf, Bear and Man.   It would seem natural to try to reduce the predator numbers as well.  Certainly got our fingers crossed that we get a Spring Bear hunt in 2016, again time will tell!

I spent the day visiting with Folks at a Sports Show in Central Wisconsin.  Met people from Traditional Archer Groups, Bear hunting fellows and the Ruffed Grouse Society to mention a few.  Was great to chat with them about all the Happy Camp area has to offer!  Also plan to have some new angry Spinner Baits for the Pike to chase this year.  Hope their skirts hold up better than the ones we have used in the past!

With that I wish you a great day, time to go devour a plate of Ribs, taters and Kraut!  Hey Dan, we are fresh our of your great Kraut, how about sending us a can in the mail?  Take care everyone and Come On and Catch the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!!!

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Good Morning Happy Campers!!!!  Catfish Chris with a short update on the rumblings of Happy Camp Ontario!

Ground Hog Day came with our fellow apparently not seeing his shadow, but he did take a bite out of an ear close to him, what’s up with that??  Hickory is starting to show a little lift in his step and he trotted around the pasture the other day, so maybe spring is on the horizon quickly?  Last night while traveling to Tigerton for the Pep Band to play, I saw around 100 deer in a picked cornfield!  That was amazing and interesting to see that many deer in the area which is nice to see as our woods has been pretty quiet until last night 3 small Whitetails walked through the yard!

July 25th Happy Camp will be hosting the 1st Take a Vet Fishing!  We are excited to be working with these vets and hope they Catch the Good Life while they are staying with us and adventuring the Happy Camp Area!  We hope to have a few Canadian vest stop in to say hi, a chat or join us in this adventure?  I also hope for an early spring so they can partake in some berry picking which was pretty slim last year especially in July!

Just this morning we were chatting about the Happy Camp area and all of its wilderness and beauty!  Certainly in this day of losing land to development we truly are blessed with what we have and are able to share with you!  We are also blessed with each of you coming and sharing an adventure with us and we look forward to 2015 and beyond!  For those of you who have not caught this wonderful opportunity, are spots for 2015 are closing quickly.

So whatcha waiting for, give us a call or shoot us an email today to save your spot to Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!  Take care everyone.


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Good Morning and Happy Groundhog Eve Happy Campers!  As we near the special day, winter has come back with a vengeance here!  Snow, wind and cold have once again become the norm but maybe for a short time, time will tell?

Happy Campers have been buzzing around with many messages and reservations.  In the last week we have booked people from Pennsylvania and Colorado, as well as working on a trip with some Veterans, hope that falls into place for them!

On another note, I have started teaching music in Tigerton and after 2 days we were performing for the Basketball game!  What fun we are having studying and making music in that tiny town in central Wisconsin!

With Groundhog Day tomorrow, we hope the heavy clouds stay in tact so the fat little fellow will look over his shoulder early tomorrow and see nothing, thus blessing us with an early Spring!  With the even of an early spring, it brings us closer to Happy Camp!

Good Luck with all your Ground hog Day Festivities  and Come on and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!!

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Greetings from cloudy, cool and windy central Wisconsin!  Many birds and squirrels are hustling around looking for food!  The feeders are full with sunflower and thistle seeds as well as suet and peanut butter for the critters!  A Pileated Woodpecker has shown its face in the yard, spends its time eating leftover berries, what’s up with that!

I spent the day yesterday with some friends who have frequented Happy Camp!  We spent the day fishing Lake Julia, a lake nestled near the edge of a national forest in North East Wisconsin!  We caught fish after fish as flags flew and jig poles bounced with excitement from Perch after Perch after Perch!!  Too bad most were Twirps!  Smiles abounded everywhere but the voices rang clear, There’s No Place like Happy Camp!!

What a nice thing to hear over and over, and late in the day a Bald Eagle soared over to join in the conversation!  Maybe he is spending the winters on Lake Julia and his summers at Happy Camp, hmmm, never know do you?

Mid winter blues spent chatting with friends about our favourite place, Happy Camp!  From woods and waters to fish, birds bear, moose and beyond, fantastic to hear all the Happy Camp talk!  Furthermore, this week chatting with people from Pennsylvania to Illinois and Colorado and beyond, the Happy Camp Bee’s are buzzing!  Even talk of a Pike Fly Fishing group coming to Happy Camp!

Flip the coin and we talk about hunting!  From Bear supplies to gun permits, wonderful Grouse hunting and pounding away at Moose tags, there is not much down time for the Happy Camp Crew!

Some down time may be in the future as Magoo and I plan on heading to North Dakota to fish a bit and work with some students, but that’s weeks down the road!  For now, we continue to teach English and sub in central Wisconsin, watch the birds, and chat with many, many people that have come and caught the Good Life!

But for the few who have not been stung by the Happy Camp Bees, Whatcha waiting for, give us a call or message us today and Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!!!




Happy New Year!!
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Good Afternoon and Happy New Year Happy Campers!  Winter has come back to central Wisconsin with fresh snowfall and the coldest weather of the year to hit us tomorrow!  Temps are expected to reach around -30 and that’s cold wherever you are and whatever thermometer you look at!!

With the return of winter, the birds have also found their way back to the feeders.  From Pileated Woodpeckers to Juncos, Cardinals and many others, they are spending much of the days at our feeding stations!  We have also made a couple of peanut butter feeders out of old logs that have yet to be visited, but only been hanging for a day!

With each passing day we are looking forward to the 2015 season at Happy Camp and seeing all of our old friends and making new ones as they make their way to Happy Camp and the shores of Beautiful White Otter Lake!

We hope you all had a wonderful Holiday season and are looking forward to the new year and all it can bring!  Hopefully Happy Camp is already etched in your plans, but if not, whatcha waiting for,  give a shout or email today to save your spot and Come on and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!!




Merry Christmas!
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Good Morning and Merry Christmas to all from Catfish Chris

After a brief warm up where all of our snow disappeared, Winter has re-appeared and we have a white Christmas here, hope you do as well!

With the warm up, raccoons made their way out of their dens and are prowling around the woods and roads looking for food.  Last night a young one was hit on our way to the in-laws house!  Our winter flying friends have gone deeper into the woods as food is plentiful as snow pack is light so far this winter!  I hope for everyone’s sake this continues as last winter was a tough one to say the least!  We do have a pair of Pileated Wood Peckers who frequent the trees near our house which is really cool!  In addition, as Magoo and I have been Turkey hunting, we have seen a Bald Eagle soaring around the edge of our pond looking for food!  No luck with the Turkey yet, and interestingly I was seeing Turkeys on a daily basis before I bought the tag, now that I have a tag I have not seen any!  Go figure eh!

Happy Camp will open early June of 2015 for the season and hope that it is as spectacular as our other seasons, time will tell what Mother Nature throws our way!  One thing for sure, we look forward to seeing all of the Happy Campers that show up at our doorstep looking for the adventure of a lifetime!  So whatcha waiting for, get in touch with us today and reserve your spot with us and Come on and Catch the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!



Ho Ho Ho!
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Good Morning and Happy Holidays everyone!  Catfish Chris here at the computer with a Mid-winter Update!  Mid Winter has seemed to have stalled, after much snow, bitter cold, the weather has warmed up!  Yesterday was a fantastic winter day with bright warm sunshine and a great day for a Parade!  We attended the Annual Clintonville Holiday Parade!  The bands played upbeat Holiday tunes and the Man in red made his appearance riding in the back of a Mustang convertible!  Magoo’s paws were clapping in anticipation and she smiled and whined as he tossed biscuits to the dogs in the crowd!

With the year winding down, so too come the openings at Happy Camp for 2015!  We have filled all of the bear spots and have limited openings for fisherman starting in late July.

Magoo wishes everyone Happy Holidays and hopefully you will be able to paws and take a breathe, enjoy the fresh air, and enjoy the reason for the season!  Regardless if you are from the states or north, all of us here at Happy Camp wish you the best of each and every day!

So with that I am off to an auction with Goo in search of outdoor supplies for Happy Camp, so Whatcha waiting for, call us today and save your spot and Come and Catch the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!





November 16th Update
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Hi Folks, Catfish Chris here with a cold update from snowy, cold and a titch windy central Wisconsin.  As you know Happy Camp is closed for the year but that does not stop us from shooting updates with this and that?

After a cold and semi-productive duck hunting trip to  Dunseith, North Dakota, Magoo and I are back in Wisconsin.  We did, however, have fun hunting ducks and geese, got enough for the freezer, and ran into some old friends along the way!  Late Sunday afternoon, Magoo was visited by the neighbor kids who played with her near the Quack Shack!  They all had great fun and it is wonderful to watch all of them, about 8, run like crazy.  When they were finished, Magoo treated them to Halloween candy and wished them off to supper with their families!

Magoo and I also visited the Dunseith School where she continues to be a hit!  She ran and played with the elementary kids in the gym, she even learned how to run around the basketball court, not across it!  Way to go girl!

Happy Camp Ontario made a nice donation to the Dunseith Playground fund, and hope that they reach their goal and get the new items!!

As we look into 2015 and Happy Camp Ontario, we have the following news as of this morning!

2015 Fishing, we have some openings starting Mid July, before then we have little available.  August will bring in Bear hunters, but there is a cabin available if you wish to fish and pick berries then!

2015 Bear Hunt, we have 1 spot left!

2015 Moose Hunt is full for the month of October!

In addition, we continue to pursue more BMA and Non-resident Moose tags!  As of now, none have become available but we will keep trying!

We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday season.  While our friends to the north celebrated Thanksgiving a while back, it will be held late next week here in the states!  I do think your Grey Cup is upon us as we saw the semi-finals last night!!

Thank you for your continued support of Happy Camp and making it a very special place!  If you haven’t checked it out yet, give us a call or shoot us an email and Come On and Catch the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!!