Drum Roll Please, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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Good Morning and welcome to Moose Hunt 2024 Eve! Happy Campers, hold onto to your skivies, the woods are full of hunters! One chap told me last night the Parade of Pumpkins is about to begin! From what Rook and I have seen, the parade has never stopped. A few days ago, trailers, trucks, campers, and everything that can come with them have started to show up.

From what I gather here, the Mooseaholics and the Termites will battle for Supremacy in this area. By the way, Toppers are filling the woods with noise, from Radio’s blasting music to chainsaws running all hours of the day, one scratches their head with just what people think? But alas, it will be quieter for the immediate moment, because, another Drum Roll Please, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Welcome rain has come and while it is a pain in the rear, we need it so bad. So this moderate rain is a welcome sight and even though we are in the lodge while hunters make thier plans in the cabins, it is a welcome sight!

Although water temps have got below 50, boats and anglers continue to pound White Otter Lake. Actually, there continues to be a steady stream of boats to the lake and parade around taking whatever they can. We are all in this together, and just like the Birds and Moose, moderation and conservation will only continue what we have, the supply is not endless. I do my part, do you? Here is a simple tune that fits so well, kindly take a listen to it: https://youtu.be/HKgFjiS7dI0?si=gHhatiM7JBzwysj9

Birds have been pounded deeper into the woods. Rook and I took a trail very less traveled yesterday and to our surprise, we saw lots of birds in our short trek! Interestingly Rook is doing a lot of really wild things, in fact as he trotted down the trail he whirled around, locked on a spot and lo and behold a Grouse flushed. Crackpot Chris nailed the Grouse with a load of 8’s which came out of the Lever action Ober/Undar. Quickly the Black blur grabbed the Grouse bringing it to hand! Rook is quite the character let me tell you.

Rook is a mere 9 months old, sometimes going on 4, other times going on 4 weeks. he often tears around camp grabbing things and being a Wild Puppy! Just yesterday he grabbed shoes off the deck and tossed them in the woods, needless to say the hunter who’s shoes were missing was not very happy! But they were found and many chuckles were shared. As you will see on Rook’s Nook, there is a lot of activity with this young pup. I do suspect he, just like his sister Magoo and brother Shadow before, will become wonderful hunters and companions. Rook sure has taken onto jumping into the truck quickly, but also likes to jump out when the door is left open, what is up with that?

Tomorrow morning, Revelry will beckon the Hunters at 5:30 a.m. when they are awoke to greet the Moose Hunt. 4 wheelers will fill the air with their hum as so many go to the woods. Others will drive their trucks, while few will set a foot to thier posts. What will the magic of the hunt bring, time will tell, but for Rook and I, we shall be elsewhere.

Rook and I will lay the blocks near the newly built blind, very few Sea ducks have shown up, the heat has kept them away. Few Goldeneye, Buffles, and Scoters have been seen. Some Blacks and Ringbills have started to flock up, and to see the ringers wing into the decoys is awesome, the only finer sight in this Waterfowlers eyes is to watch a fine Black lab charge after the birds. I recall maybe 2017 when the bay was full of sea ducks, Magoo spent the entier morning at my side, every so often a Buffle or greater Scaup would swing near the spread, I would bang out of the air, sometimes hitting, others missing. It is odd as those big Greaters can really fly not like their little brothers, holy hot dog.

Anyway, I downed a drake Scaup, off went Magoo towards the narrows for the bird which floated belly up, but the wind was bellowing strong out of the south, so Magoo was on a long trek. Magoo’s little head afloat as those strong, strong legs got that duck, I guess maybe a 300 yard retrieve. Magoo grabbed the duck, whirled around and swam back like a champion. I ahve been blessed with Champions at my side and think we have another with Rook!

So the hunt is upon us, take care everyone, and remember, Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!!

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Hi all, welcome Rook to the Happy Camp land! She is certainly a tyrant who runs like the wind, chases everything under the sun including Squirrels, shoes, blankets, boots, Grouse, Ducks and much more! Stay tuned as she is lurking on the deck looking for a boot, hat or camo shirt from the Moose hunters to run around with!

Welcome Rook, may your stay with us be long, feather and adventure filled just as your Sister Magoo, Sadie enjoyed! Hang onto your hat boy, you are truly in for the ride of your life!!!

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Good evening Campers, finally a break in the weather. Tonight should be near freezing, and maybe the Moose will start to move around. Hunters are having a tough time locating Moose with the low waters and warm temps! Just near dusk Geese were heard honking on their way south from James Bay, the sound was something I have not heard in years! In fact, there was a small group working the south shore later this afternoon. So time to go.

I met some nice blokes from Niagra this evening, they were looking for Moose, nothing in 5 days, hey that’s hunting as they said!! That is so true as we walk thru the wilderness, we are all responsible for ourselves and how we treat and leave the world! I seem to butt heads with a lot of people who seem to think otherwise, Awe Come On Man! Just once as Hank says, I’d like to spit Beechnut in that Dude’s eye!

Changed have occured and you will have to come and find our for yourself! That is all the people need to know as the Baron has showed his CLAW!!

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Good Morning Happy Campers! Catfish Chris, and my sidekick Molly Magoo always here in spirit! Everyday I look for her and have yet to find her, almost a month has gone, it seems like forever! But my PAL, the time is coming, very quickly!

Wild weather has come to the HCO region, last week some warm, then Monsoon’s which brought badly needed rain to the area. Last check we were just shy of 2 inches, but rain, wind, oh my. A boat was buried in the lake, Bob worked tirelessly with me to get it afloat where we could winch it onto the trailer! But alas, all was fixed and only 2 very sore backs. Strong NW winds had switched straight North and the boat rocked back and forth wiggling and pounding the boat plug until it fell out. But all is back to semi=normal. I say semi-normal because I don’t really know what normal is anymore!!

Later in the week many locals found their way to HCO as Servina Shaganass passed on. Priscilla and I spoke the other day, and Amy her daughter and her family stayed with us for a while. So sorry for your loss, hope we were able to help out a little. One bright spot for me is yesterday I went over to the Shaganass compound looking for them, I ran into Martin Shaganass. A nice older bloke but Rocky caught my eye right away! Rocky is a pointer that runs like the wind and loves to retrieve. Rocky runs all over the place, Martin says he is a great Moose dog?

As Rocky ran, it reminded me of when Dixie was here, another pointing dog. Dixie and Magoo would run like the wind, in fact their is a page where those 2 were flying in the air, tongues out! You know to watch that is simply priceless, also are many other things we get here at Happy Cap Ontario!

Hard frost came last night, Bernie and Lisa are busy gathering seeds for the winter. Many Whiskeyjacks are here too, none have eaten out of my hand yet, but soon I hope! Ducks are starting to fly around, Redheads are here, first time seeing them. Time will tell if I hunt them or not, Magoo it is not the same without you girl. You know I am looking for a new girl or boy, time will tell how they do, but that dirve you had, OH BOY, I dont know if that ever can be matched.

Bear hunt will be complete by weeks end, we shall see how this finishes, but it has been a great year so far! I am looking for a group of 4 that wants to experience an adventure of a lifetime either here at HCO or at our sister camp in the far north. In fact, I will be headed there to see some Moose spots tomorrow, the rut should kick in full swing now as frost is here!

I met a trapper in the woods and Peever showed up at my door, it is really interesting how I bump into so many different people. Many have said to me, you need to write a book, well if there are any Ghost Writers that would like to help out!

Coffee is done, cabins to clean and Mouths to feed (Bears), sun is brilliant now, take care Happy Campers!

2024 Bear Hunt
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Hi Happy Campers. Bear Hunt 2024 is pretty much a wrap, recap can be seen at the Hunting Page. Thanks to all for a wonderful hunt, great memories, awesome Bears taken and for all you bring to Happy Camp. As we look to 2025, we look forward to more great hunts, thanks again take care all!

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Tonight is the first night that I have sat alone without Magoo, and the empty feeling is as large as when she was taken from me 2 weeks ago. Bear hunt is over for now, incredible adventure where all hunters enjoyed the Happy Camp area, with beautiful Bears shot and many more seen and left for another day! More on that with another post, but this is for Magoo. Magoo, you stole my heart a long time ago, made me look like the best hunter in the world many times, greatest partner I could ask for. As I start to think of the next girl to walk at my side in the bush, I just wish we had one more day, one more hunt, swim, share one more sandwich, treat or just a great big deep breathe with sigh telling me goodnight, I miss you so much my buddy!!

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Days are quiet, the walls are silent. The lodge is errily empty, and the best friend, sidekick and pal who is as much of Happy Camp as I am has left. Magoo was taken from me late Friday night and I wander aimlessly thru the days doing this and that. Oddly, it never seemed like a job before, it was life full of adventures.

Just today I looked for Magoo maybe 100 times. While cleaning I found half a biscuit under the chair. I took the biscuit, sat in the chair, held it and cried. Later as I left the fish shack, I looked around the corner hoping to see Magoo, did not happen. I also looked under the porch where she used to like to lay and relax, no Magoo. Finally, as I sat in the chair with the computer on my lap, I looked down the driveway hoping to see Magoo coming into Camp, but that’s not happening!

I have asked a million times, WHY? I know there is no answer, never will be. I can only hope that one day there truly is after life and we will be reunited? But as I try to piece each day together, there are a couple things I will share the links too, one a song and the other a poem. Both of these are wonderful, hope you enjoy them:

Bernie has found his way back to camp. After being caught 5 times, he was caught again. But this time, I took the trap, looked at him and said, Bernie, you just want to be my friend don’t you? Bernie said, yes I do! So Bernie ate his peanut butter bread piece, and we agreed that he will help me catch that darn Red Squirrel. I then opened the trap and out hopped Bernie. Bernie went off into the woods, but about an hour later he was back, first under the bird feeder, then found himself right back on the north lodge steps. Bernie likes to lay on the 3rd step, back legs stretched out and his front legs crossed as he watches over the compound. Sometimes his tail wags back and forth like Magoo, so maybe part of me is hoping that Bernie will truly become a friend, but never a best friend, that is reserved for Magoo. But Bernie, time witll tell what you become.

Soon Camp will be filled with Bear hunters, baits are hitting well, so we shall see how Bear Hunt 2024 develops, time will tell! As for now, I am going to go look for Magoo some more. Enjoy the links

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Good Bye My Friend
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Magoo, my best friend has crossed the Rainbow bridge around 9 p.m. this evening. As I drove into Happy Camp tonight without her, the empty feeling has set in. I walked into the lodge, silence is deafening. Everything at Happy Camp was Magoo, we were inseparable, now we are. Good Bye My Friend

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Happy Opening Day Happy Campers! Yes it is time, time for Unity, Time for Joy, and Time for the Games to Begin! Soon the Boats will travel on the Seine with the Competitors of the 33rd Olympiad! One can only hope that this is a Joyous time that our world’s athletes get together, have competition, but more importantly start the healing process the World needs! We all have been in a tailspin since Covid, and it is time to start the healing, after all, we ALL need each other in this ever changing world. We ALL need to come together, put our differences aside and LIVE IN PEACE and HARMONY!

It has started, earlier than ever, but the Fall pilgramage has begun. Today in our travels looking for Bears, we saw them, the first Migrators from the north. The Nighthawks have arrived in the Happy Camp Boreal Forest District. By my recollection this is by far the earliest on record, certainly the earliest since 2012 when we first arrived here. Nighthawks have never been in this District before August 12th, seeing them today will put them 18 days ahead of schedule! That could coincide with the very early Spring which saw the snow and ice disappear before May 1, 2024.

Also, there is an influx of songbirds that I can not figure out what they are? They appear to be the size of a Scarlet Tananger, the Male is Beautiful red with white bards on his wings, while the Female is a drab brown. They are clustered on the trails in flocks from 15-54 birds. That’s right, I counted 54 of them in a flock somewhere in the Happy Camp District. Anyone know what they are, please share? Additionally, since the compound has had extensive brushing, there are a lot of songbirds flying around. By the way. Bernie has found his way back here, I told him the last time I let him go from the trap if he made it back, he would come into fold and learn to live in a cage. Well this afternoon, Bernie was laying on the north porch, front legs crossed and his back legs stretched out like he owned the place. His little tail waves back and forth as he watched the Moose Food Plot to the north for any creatures!

Another sign of an early fall, it was pertnear 90 today, damn hot, but I just shut off the air and opened the windows as it has cooled into the low 70s already, 3 hours before dusk! Finally, the last sign I care to share is that some fish are putting on the Feedbag. Yesterday Magoo and I went to Lake #4, and soon found out how eager they were to eat. We caught many fish over 20 inches and Perch over 12 inches. The bites were solid, many of them snapped the line when it neared bottom. They struck the Pimple with much intensity and almost always on the fall, which is a sure sign that fall is here. During the other seasons, they usually strike on the lift, not the drop, but always hit on the fall when Autumn is here.

I suppose the Moose will start rubbing their velvet anyday soon, perhaps they will find a sweet spot in the Moose Plot that is here for our viewing. Magoo Bernie and I are anxiously awaiting their appearances.

Bear hunt is full for this fall, if anyone wants to be considered for the Spring 2025, get in touch with me soon. It is looking like an awesome fall hunt, many, many bears of all sizes are running rampant thru out the Happy Camp District!

Well it is time for the gathering and Lady Goo Goo is performing, time to go and watch, enjoy the reason everyone!