May Day

Hi everyone, Happy May Day! Winter seems to have left and we need rain something terrible on the northern prairies! Slow growth of everything except for the ticks!

As the pandemic continues, I have to applaud the federal government, the Canadian federal government that is! Last night while catching minnows with Magoo I listened to the Prime Minister and 2 premiers speak about how they are close to opening some of their provinces, but are saddened by the lack of concern by our federal government for the concern for humans! ME TOO!

Our cases continue to go up or stay the same, death rates rise and we are re-opening, ridiculous!

At this rate, we are hopeful to get up to Canada by July, but nothing, nothing will surprise us!

Magoo had her stitches taken out, and she just tonight made 6 retrieves, so awesome to watch her trot again! Now we have to build that energy for a full hunting season, keep it up Black Torpedo!

So what is everyone doing to keep their sanity in these troubled times! I hear from a few of you with stories and they bring lots of great memories to mind. As one Happy Camper wrote, isn’t it why we do these adventures, for the memories! Exactly, so how about it Happy Campers, take some time to send us a note with your memories and when we meet again we can share a laugh or 7 with it again, because some stories never get old!

With that I shall end this post as Magoo wants to go check out the yard one last time before bed, take care and keep in touch Happy Campers!!