
Good Day Happy Campers!  Catfish Chris with a brief update.  Heavy rain the last 2 days has been  followed by nice sunshine, but the clouds appear to quickly be filling back in.  Recently added rain gutters have been adjusted and we shall see how they work with the next batch of rain.

Fishing has been up and down, one day lots of Pike and a few others, to more Walleye than Pike.  Greg did hammer a nice 24″ dandy that was released to make babies for many years to come, way to go Greg!  Oddly the Perch have been quiet this week, but we hope once the summer sets in with a good weather pattern, they too will show in more numbers?

Does anyone know where the love of God goes, when the waves turn the minutes to Hours?  The church bells tolled loudly Tuesday afternoon as a large storm with tremendous rain pounded the Cheese head Boys as they were on White Otter!  Maybe the name should be changed to Gitchee Gumee as a Sea of White covered the waters from the west then shifting to the north pummeling the shoreline!  The boys made if back safely less wet clothes, thank God for the dryer.

As the Girls and I walked the trail towards Echo this morning, Magoo was out in front by about 25 yards which she usually does.  Sadie was about at the end of the rope, when I looked in front of Magoo in the brush and I saw what she saw, a Bear!  Magoo took off running as did Sadie into the woods!  Terrified I attempt to run through the bush but as thick as it is, that was not very wise!  I blew the whistle and Magoo came back panting like crazy.  I called and listened for Sadie, nothing!  Walked and called again, nothing!  Starting to get worried, I walked deeper into the bush where Magoo had come from.  I called Sadie one more time and I hear her bark.  Quickly Magoo and I headed towards the sound and found Sadie wrapped around brush, trees and junk but in good shape!  Whew a breathe of fresh air.  I unwrapped her and we headed back to Camp!  Of course along the way, Magoo had got to flush our first Grouse of the year!

I guess you never know what adventure will come here at Happy Camp.  So come along, enjoy an adventure with us and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!