2014 Moose Hunt Week 1

Week 1 is now complete with Moose Hunt 2014!  Today dawned heavy rain, cold and much wind and one would think the Moose would sleep in, but with a smaller crew as the SeaGull Clan pulled out early this morning, it was up to the Kent Krew to get the Skunk out of the bag!

They certainly did not disappoint, as Jeffrey nailed a beautiful Calf Moose about 10 a.m. near Happy Camp!  The Krew spent the better part of the day retrieving the Moose and as I write, the wind is howling, rain is coming down sideways and the Krew is finishing touches on packing for the trip home!   Watching all of our groups work together is simply awesome, they work tirelessly together to make everyone’s trip the best it can be, way to go!!

Good Number of Moose were seen by Happy Camp Hunters this first week, but most were Cows and the only Bull seen by Brian Boucher was behind a Cow and he could not get a clear shot, so he passed!  Each morning well before dawn, the rumbling of trucks and ATV’s pulled out of Happy Camp in search of the elusive Moose!  Roger did find a great covey of Ruffed Grouse and brought back his limit one morning, good for you Roger!

We all had a wonderful time chatting, playing cards, placing a bet on the ballgame, sharing a story over a favourite beverage or eating a meal together!    To watch Magoo’s tail wag with excitement as hunters or friends come into camp, or your never ending treats you save for her,  thank you to everyone for all you bring to Happy Camp!  As one hunter said to me this week, its not about shooting a Moose, its about the time spent up here with people, the woods and that comes with it!  To Catfish Chris, the  writer, host and so much, more these times are simply priceless!

As I walked from Cabin 1 to the lodge this morning, flocks of Swans were overhead flying and hooting their last farewell for the year as they head south for the winter!  The water is high for this time of year, and with the pouring rain today, it most certainly will raise more.

We got out fishing this week a couple times, and Magoo and I pulled in quite a few Pike and big ones too!  The largest we caught is still swimming in White Otter Lake, it measured about 39.5 inches, certainly will be the magic 40 next year!  Herk and Jeffrey caught a few fish for the fry last night, my were they tasty!  Tony and Ray also caught some fish on White Otter, but they let them go to swim another day and maybe caught another lucky Happy Camper!

Groups will be shuffling into Camp soon, so Catfish Chris will sign off for now!  Soon the excitement will be with new hunters in hopes of finding the elusive Moose.  Stay tuned for updates and one never knows what will come through the Happy Camp door this week!

So if you haven’t experienced the wonderful Happy Camp area, whatcha waiting for, give us a shout and save your spot today at Happy Camp Ontario!!