June 16,2020
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Hi Happy Campers! A brief note as I just got word that the border will be closed for at least another month until the end of July. So with that said we will cancel the rest of our fisherman and the Bear hunt for the 2020 season.

Stay tuned for more updates, stay safe and be smart Campers!

Corona Update
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Hi everyone, hope all is well where ever you are. Just a brief update with an update. So far we still remain hopeful to a July opening, but as of now, we have this to share.

Outfitters are allowed to cross the border after making and having a meeting with the Border Patrol to complete paperwork and clear you for travel. If we are cleared, we must travel non-stop to Happy Camp and self isolate for 14 days. If we are not cleared, we are turned away and stay in the US.

As eager we are to get up into the wilderness, we are not considering this opportunity. For those of you who have spent time chatting about our borders excursion, or have had them yourself(Frostick), you know what I mean!

Here on the northern Prairie weather has been terrible. Wind, wind and wind, now heat and humidity. Magoo and I went fishing for a few hours the other night to Carpenter Lake. We did catch a handful of smaller walleye let go to swim another day, before getting blown off the lake. The waves were certainly nothing like White Otter, but they pushed our boat around enough to get off the water.

So as I try to keep my head up, I hope all of you are as well. Not soon enough we will smell the oil cooking fish and wood making smoke in the ring at Happy Camp Ontario. Until then, be safe and take care everyone!

Say Good Bye to June
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Hi Happy Campers, hope all is well with each and everyone of you where you are holed up?

I got word late yesterday that as the Corona continues, the Premier of Ontario has enacted to keep the State of Emergency on in Ontario thru June 30. What that means is that there is minimal travel for essential purposes only, and we do not qualify nor will any of the Campers.

So as Billy Joel sings Say Good Bye to Hollywood, Magoo and I say good bye to June in the northern Wilderness. But, the phones still work and most snow is reportedly gone, some people are sneaking in from Longlac and Manitouwadge to fish and camp. But alas, the Moquitos are doing just fine. Actually that is one thing that we don’t miss, haha!

Magoo update, she is slowly coming along. We did go swimming tonight, so we shall see how she responds in the morning. Life on the northern prairie is very interesting, as we came down the hill to the house, the Golf Course deck was full of people whooping it up. Obviously since June 1, the Corona has vanished right? Fat chance, come on people wake up!!

So please Happy Camper’s be safe, smart and keep healthy so we can get to Happy Camp and raise a cup of cheer once this virus has been defeated! Take care and keep in touch.

May 25, 2020
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Hi everyone, hope you are all being safe, social distancing and taking care of yourselves! For those of you whom read this and are from the US, you know the insanity which is happening all around us, simply sad to say the least! As I was coming back from fishing with Magoo this evening, I thought of a new way to interpret the crap with our government. 2020 is an election year and the stupidity that is evident in all phases of government led me to one simple conclusion, REMEMBER! Come November, before you cast your vote, REMEMBER how your elected officials took care or even led any of us during the Pandemic. Hell no it is not over, will not be for a long time, but enough, REMEMBER, I sure will!

On to brighter skies, Manitoba reports NO new cases for the 3rd day in a row, yahoo, good for you! Now onto the US fishing report!

Magoo and I spent time today on Gravel Lake near here. Holy hot dog people did we catch fish and Pike, Biggins too! We caught a bunch of Pike, and one small walleye. Kind of weird how 1 11 inch walleye was in with a pack of Pike, but hey they gotta eat too!

As I was reeling in the jig, BANG a Pike hits and tears off line! As I bring her in I see the ICHI Pike, HUGE HEAD but tiny body! What’s up with that I say, but Magoo quickly jumps off her perch to check out the commotion. She licked, bites and plays with the fish as I unhook and let go for another day! Magoo is getting better folks, she even went swimming today, loves the water. Water temps are quickly rising, so the bluegill should head to the shallows quickly on Metigoshe, home of the 12 inch Bluegill, at least there used to be some there!

As we fished the noise was different and we were quickly reminded how serene and peaceful the Happy Camp Region can be, AAAHHH!

Speaking of aaah, I think we may try Ceviche with the Pike. I have heard great things about it, found a recipe and will need to gather some ingredients but what the hell, nothing ventured, nothing gained eh!

On another note, I hear the Rainbow Flowage in northern Wisconsin is going strong for walleye. This is a short bite people, when the Mayflies hatch it gets very tough, but head out to the east area with leeches ans slip bobbers. If you need more info on that shoot me an email and I will gladly turn you on to them.

With that I shall end this report and finish off a can of Old Milwaukee in honor of my dad, Happy Memorial Day everyone. Stay safe, keep your distance, wear a mask and take care everyone!

Corona Update May 19,2020
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Hi everyone, we hope that you are all safe and healthy and enjoying the spring where ever you are?

As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke late this morning, the border will remain closed for at least 30 more days. That means that the earliest we may get thru the border could be June 21, 2020. We certainly appreciate a government taking its people’s health their #1 priority!

Spring has arrived on the northern US prairies. Magoo has had a setback, but we are taking it slow in hopes that the bone heals on its own in time to get after the birds. Additionally, I have become aware of the Moose tag situation, I guess just another quirk thrown into an already impossible and unbelievable set of events that started in early March.

Sadly we got word of Angus Shaganash passing this past winter. Angus passed at 86 and was Hillsport’s oldest living resident, Rest in Peace Angus!

As we look to the future, we remain optimistic to be into the Canadian wilderness soon and until then we are making plans for the adventures to ensue once we get up there. I can only hope that the fixing adventures are far certainly less than the exploring adventures! Time will tell, until then take care and keep in touch!

Happy Mother’s Day
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Hi and Happy Mother’s day to all mother’s! Without you nothing would be possible, so all of us can not thank you enough! Hope you all enjoy your day, especially during these difficult times!

As we continue to maneuver thru these tough times, Magoo and I have pulled back for a couple of reasons. First of the pandemic but also Magoo is still struggling with her recovery. Recently we had to go back to Dr. Thrush in Brandon where he had to go back in and remove a couple of broken screw and the fork that was held the bone together. The fork had broken and was starting to rub against the bone and an infection had started.

Although that has been taken care of, she still limps each day. It is our hope that she will get better slowly and be ready to go this fall for hunting. If any of you know Magoo and I, she certainly deserves that!

Early this morning Mago and I went west of hear for a walk looking for Moose Sheds. The other night we saw 4 Moose, 3 Bulls and one cow together near a tree row. So we figure to walk the entire tree line in hopes of findings some horns, but none today! But alas all was not lost for Magoo likes to adventure!

Today we came upon many waterfowl in various species, a handful of deer running across the prairie. Near the end of our walk, Magoo busted into some brush and out flushes a Pheasant, way to go Magoo!

As all of you know, we have no clue when or if we can get thru the border to Happy Camp. We we are hopeful for sooner than later, we also are realist and realize that in the US, the pandemic is anywhere close to being under control, so we simply do not know, but you will know when we know!

But for now, we can practice our social distancing, wash our hands and stay safe! For Magoo and I that means time at home, in the woods and water away from people. We have learned how to cook lots of things, would love to get my hands on some Moose and try that, not soon enough!

Take care everyone and again Happy Mother’s Day to all Mother’s!

May Day
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Hi everyone, Happy May Day! Winter seems to have left and we need rain something terrible on the northern prairies! Slow growth of everything except for the ticks!

As the pandemic continues, I have to applaud the federal government, the Canadian federal government that is! Last night while catching minnows with Magoo I listened to the Prime Minister and 2 premiers speak about how they are close to opening some of their provinces, but are saddened by the lack of concern by our federal government for the concern for humans! ME TOO!

Our cases continue to go up or stay the same, death rates rise and we are re-opening, ridiculous!

At this rate, we are hopeful to get up to Canada by July, but nothing, nothing will surprise us!

Magoo had her stitches taken out, and she just tonight made 6 retrieves, so awesome to watch her trot again! Now we have to build that energy for a full hunting season, keep it up Black Torpedo!

So what is everyone doing to keep their sanity in these troubled times! I hear from a few of you with stories and they bring lots of great memories to mind. As one Happy Camper wrote, isn’t it why we do these adventures, for the memories! Exactly, so how about it Happy Campers, take some time to send us a note with your memories and when we meet again we can share a laugh or 7 with it again, because some stories never get old!

With that I shall end this post as Magoo wants to go check out the yard one last time before bed, take care and keep in touch Happy Campers!!

Here We Go!!!!
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Hi and Welcome Back, Happy Campers! Today is April 19, 2020, and we are BACK UP AND RUNNING! Catfish Chris and TBT(The Black Torpedo) Magoo, from sunny but chilly northern North Dakota with updates for now!

As you know we are in the midst of the Corona Pandemic and there is no end in sight! Here in North Dakota our case numbers have doubled each of the last 3 days, and I wish I could say that I think they will peak soon, but locally people are not social distancing at all! For Magoo and me, we stay at home, or go for a ride to the woods or waters where there are no other humans, and while we are doing our part, we need EVERYONE to do his or her part, so YOU can get back to Happy Camp and enjoy the wilderness of the far North!

For 2020 opening day is still up in the air, border is closed until late May now. When that day comes, we will set a date for a get together and ALL are welcome. We may not have enough beds, but there is space on the floor, porch and decks for sleeping bags, so toss a bag in the truck and head up for a spell! All we ask is that you let us know how many of you are coming and what you will be bringing.

For instance, we’d loved to see Donna bringing 2 pans of her awesome cheesy potatoes, Sheriff Kern Hooch and his Pinochle cards, Henry, Bonnie, Buddy with their delicious salmon, Frenchi and Bev some wine and bread, Chris Denny with his guitar, the Schoner boys with their homemade maple syrup, Ray and his wings, and Seagull with his pan fried Moose tongue and so on and so forth. What about the dogs? Here come the Youngs pulling in in the middle of the night with their treats for the girls! One thing is for certain, we will need some fish, so Keith has offered to help catch and clean with me, and Jamie and Sadie are willing to fry them! Tartar sauce is for Jester, Don don’t forgot your teeth and Larry, well I think you can bring your smile, together with the brats and your favorite saying, “Awe Come On Man!!” It will be great to see everyone and share stories as I believe life will never be the same. If you are staying after Tuesday, bring a bottle of Beefeater Gin to store in the dishwasher in memory of my Grandma Schafer!

As you know the site is undergone changes and we hope for the better, time will tell. Happy Camp will undergo some changes as well and again we hope for the better. We are going to a limit of 2 walleye off of White Otter Lake per day for everyone, and we encourage everyone to let all Walleye over 20 inches and Pike over 34 inched back to swim for another day.

With that said, I hope to post more often from sunny but chilly North Dakota until we have a plan for 2020. You certainly can phone Magoo and me at 715-630-4444 or email us at getthenet@wi-net.com

Please take this serious, be safe and stay healthy. Take care and enjoy the Day!!

Merry Christmas, here we come 2020!
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Hi and Merry Christmas Happy Campers!  Things are slowing down a little so I am taking a few moments to write a bit!  Hope everyone had a great Christmas and looking forward to a fantastic 2020!

Magoo has been cleared to hunt after a long rehab over the fall and hunting time.  We did get out a couple times and we were able to get a couple Pheasant and a Shaprtail.  But to see her work back and forth again is simply priceless, thank you Black Torpedo!

As any of the Happy Campers know, we look to improve all the time and we are now going to a Conservation Camp.  We will honor the conservation limit on White Otter Lake in our attempt to improve the size of the fish.  We all know how White Otter fishing has greatly improved, but we want to do our part in honoring the Conservation limits set forth by the MNR.  We are also hopeful that more Campers will venture out to other waters broadening their adventures.

In fact, in speaking of broadening our adventures, we are experimenting on a Winter hunt, and if it goes well, we plan on experimenting up at HCO.  Along with that, the Grouse numbers should start to rebound and there is always the waterfowl itch for Magoo and I.

We continue to search for more Bear hunt opportunities and we are hopeful to offer that in the late spring and fall.  Finally, the Moose tag situation continues to make many of us scratch our heads, and we will see what is set in stone when the MNR decides what to do.  Along with that, all of our cabins are booked for the Adult Rifle season and half for the Calf season, so if you want a spot, don’t delay, call or email today!

So for 2020, we have some spots left for fishing and Bear hunting and we are hopeful to adventure out ourselves as the new well should provide us water for a 100 years or so!  Soon we will be gathering items to head north to the serene wilderness where the Loon’s sing nightly, the stars shine just a little brighter, the sun warms your back and the wind cools you with a summer breeze.

Thank you for continuing to make Happy Camp our special place and it would not be the same without all of you Happy Campers, we look forward to Old and New faces that venture north!

Whatcha waiting for, shoot us an email or call us today to chat or save your time to Come and Catch the Good Life with us at Happy Camp Ontario!

Happy New Year!!


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Good Day and Happy Thanksgiving Happy Campers!  It has been a very interesting 2019 to say the least.  As I sit with the Black Torpedo at my feet,  the Turkey is stuck with marinade and soon it will go into the oven, wonder how it will turn out as I have never cooked a domestic Turkey(haha).  I guess if it is not good, then Magoo will have a full tummy.

Speaking of Magoo, she is recovering well from her surgery and if all goes well, she will be cleared to hunt December 7.  As of right now, we have little snow but it appears that will be over with the expected 14 plus inches on the way in the coming days. But for today, it is merely strong NE winds putting it below zero.  But off to the woods we need to go to pull out the stand, and make a few more stops along the way.  The ice is starting to form here and we have had to replace some toys that were taken this summer.

Speaking of summer, we went through many struggles with water but we now have great water after finding the crew from Kap.  They showed up in Mid August and got right to work.  Down the drill went, 25, 30, 50 feet, nothing.  70, 95, 122, nothing but a trickle.  AWE COME ON MAN, what’s up with that!  Phone rings while Bear hunting with the news, a deep sigh but what you gonna do right, keep digging!

We finish up our sit for the night, no bears and head back to camp.  We trudge into the lodge, sit down to hear what is next.  After I spoke to the driller, they went back at it.  130, 145, 160, nothing, ugh!  178, 182 nothing, then 183, THAR SHE BLOWS!  Water straight from China and a great vein too!  Water shooting up into the pipe with no pump, how can that be?   Our water issues are over, YAHOO!!!

As we look to 2020 and beyond, we will be focusing on HCO, nature and how we can give back as we firmly believe to leave what we have better than we have it.  With that said, we hope to venture all over the place and make more memories and hope you come along for the ride.  Other than most of our Moose spots reserved, we have time for you to come and visit and create your own Adventure.

Time to head to the woods, stay tuned for more changes along the way.  From the HCO Crew, Thank you, Take care and Happy Holidays!