
Hi everyone, time for a brief update while I remember a few thinngs.  The camp is quiet but soon will be filled with the Healing Patriot Group, our hope is that the peace and quiet of the wilderness, songs of the loons and wind whispering through the trees will be just what the Patriots need, thank you for all you do and for everyone who does a service to our freedom, never can say thank you enough!

We finished patching our roofs, cross your fingers that it will not leak, guess we will find out when it rains which could be any day as the weather is erratic.

Days start out sunny and cool, in the low 40’s, then heat up quickly, gets very windy and into the upper 80’s, evenings clear out and next day repeat.  As I write it has got very overcast, winds about 30 mph, and looks like thunder?

Fishing continues to be excellent in various depths and techniques.  Many people looking for large walleye ask where are they?  Remember a few years ago folks the MNR gill netted large fish from the lake as they were doing a “study”.  Still haven’t seen results from the study, but hey that is government for you!  Try to also remember that we are in the far north, growing season for everything, including fish, is much shorter than down south.  If given a few years to grow, we will start to see Walleye again over 25 inches and some 20 pound Pike, but the fish need the opportunity to grow.

Bear baiting is going and they are hitting well.  For those of you who were with us last year and Remember the Humper Bear, I ran into that big boy yesterday in my route.  He is just as chubby and black as last year.  Also saw another fellow, but much smaller, don’t think he is a humper?  I opened a new vein and it looks fantastic and the baits have been set.  As I drove down the trail, in the distance I saw a brown object laying in the trail, I thought it couldn’t be?  As I got closer, it reminded me of my first one and AHA, it was, a glorious Moose Shed.  For those coming to camp, you shall see first hand the sheds that are gathering in the lodge, certainly a sight to behold.

My how time flies, and although sometime during every day I am reminded, early July reminds me of loss of my Dad and tomorrow will mark the 17th anniversary of his passing.  Does anyone know that every 17 years the days of the week line up and July 9, 2018 will be a Monday, just as July 9, 2001 was a Monday.  Man Dad I wish you were here to play in the wilderness, I think you truly would have enjoyed the adventures at Happy Camp Ontario, I miss you!!

With that, time to watch the storm as it is thundering over head, so we shall see what the next adventure is.  Take care and Whatcha waiting for, Come and Catch the Good Life with Us at Happy Camp Ontario!!!