
Happy Fall everyone from Happy Camp.  With the 1st day of Fall coming today, we finally have found the sun again!  The past week has been rain, rain and our first snow on the 21st.  Today is a beautiful, cold early fall day, with sunshine and temperatures in the 40’s.

With all the rain, travel is difficult in the area but Magoo and I went out and harvested fresh Mushrooms this morning and they are tasty!  They are popping up everywhere and hope this continues as it is fun and Magoo enjoys the romps!

Fishing has been slow and hunting in the area has been interesting.  Few Grouse have been seen but that should change with the leaves falling not soon enough!  Ducks are scattered as there is lots of water everywhere!  On a positive sign, I have seen 4 Moose in the last few days throughout the Happy Camp region!  My hope is that they will hang around for a few more weeks when the Happy Camp Moose Hunters chase them in the Woods!

This morning in our travels, numerous flocks of migrating geese were seen as well as Bluebirds, Evening Grosbeaks and numerous kinds of shorebirds!  They will quickly make their way south for the winter as we will too in about 6 weeks.

As always, thanks to everyone for a great 2013 and we hope to end on a high note during the Moose Hunt!  To those of you we will not see until 2014, we look forward to spending time with you exploring the Happy Camp area, so what you waiting for, Come on and Catch the Good Life with us in beautiful Northern Ontario at Happy Camp Ontario!!